California - Northern

I am not very familiar with the basque but that is what i am going to hatch this spring. i just want two...and the bantam barred rocks...just two...i want the basques because i heard they are so friendly and sweet. my silkie is broody now....i think she could handle 4-5 large eggs? she is small....was hoping she would wait for the bantam eggs....i had never heard of the pita pinta, very lovely.....
i googled the pita pinta. had never heard of that breed! the are very gorgeous. i want one of everything but all in all i prefer the plain ol chickens...good basic stock! but sure am having fun with these girls! one day i will narrow it down to 3 or 4 hens and grow old together!
Hi..not sure if this is the right place to post...i live in NORTHERN CA! 2 hours north of SF...i have 14 hens various breeds/standard and bantam....i am sure i will have a broody in the next month and looking for bantam barred rock hatching eggs...anyone raising those darlings? i have a source in PA but that is kinda far for shipping....willing to chance it tho if need be.
All my girls are my favorite. Spitzhaubens are a total curious and are the brabanter of which i have two. Also self blue silkie bantam, white bantam cochin, welsummer, russian orloff, two EEs,porcelain d'uccle, quail d'anver, 2 polish and a black copper my opinion NO. CA starts at SF....or in your heart! joy
It is most definitely the right place! Welcome to the thread! I am always amazed at the variety of chickens there are out there. I hope you find your barred banties!

Quote: That is a great scale to use to gauge safety. I even have a 5 year old granddaughter I can put to the test!

Quote: Imagine that the smiley with the crossed fingers is here--I'm on my phone ;-)
Here.....I will do it for you!
I had very pleasant surprise this morning....and I DO mean surprise! I think I mentioned here that I had ordered some Bresse eggs from someone in South Carolina about a month back and was having a hard time actually getting the eggs shipped. I finally got them and set them on March 1st. She sent 8 Bresse (which is what I was after) , 2 Dominique's and 2 Buckeye eggs. After a couple of weeks in the bator it was clear that they were not developing but I left them in because one of the Buckeye eggs looked like it might be developing. Lockdown was on the 18th and I put them in. Left them for 5 days, then finally shut the incubator down late last night to clean this morning so I could lockdown my CCL and OE's today. I brought it out and set it on the counter. Lifted the lid and noticed a chunk missing from one of the Buckeye eggs. I picked it up and the chick was moving in there! I immediately got it into another incubator. cleaned out the one I was working on, got it set back up and moved the CCL and OEs in along with the Buckeye egg. It is already moving around more now that it is warming up. I hope the little one makes it after going thru all that! It must be one tough chick!
A friend of mine called devestadet over the death his chickens which were killed last night. They were kept in a large coop with chain link, lined with chicken wire. Somehow, Raccoons ripped the chicken wire, reached in through the chain link, and which ever chickens they could reach, tore them apart.
He walked into a blood bath this morning. Some were still alive, but, beyond saving, so he had to end their suffering. Many of his beloved chickens are dead, and he is beyond consoling. My heart goes out to him and his poor, lovely chickens who had a horrible death.
It is breeding time for many predators, and they are on the prowl. Raccoons have no problem ripping the regular chicken wires. I hope this horrific incident doesn't happen again.

So sad. Sorry for his loss.

I had the same thing happen in August. I kept my rabbits in a dog kennel wrapped in cyclone and chicken wire. I never imagined that a raccoon would be strong enough to bend apart a Cyclone fence and then tear through chicken wire as if it were paper. Fortunately, my rabbits survived and are 100% recovered. Sadly, they are now confined to their cages as I don't know how else to keep them safe.

Here are a couple of photos. The first photo was taken before the attack. She was certainly enjoying herself.

Hi Deann,

I enjoyed the CL type evaluation at your place last spring with Walt. It sounds like you no longer have CL's?

…trying to catch up with the thread, found the note that you sold your flock…glad to have met you while you still had them.
Can you believe it has been almost a year? Crazy how time flies. I will be forever grateful to Walt for taking the time to evaluate our birds, and Curtis (@Garydean26) for organizing the event.

How is your Cream Legbar breeding program coming along?
So sad. Sorry for his loss.

I had the same thing happen in August. I kept my rabbits in a dog kennel wrapped in cyclone and chicken wire. I never imagined that a raccoon would be strong enough to bend apart a Cyclone fence and then tear through chicken wire as if it were paper. Fortunately, my rabbits survived and are 100% recovered. Sadly, they are now confined to their cages as I don't know how else to keep them safe.

Here are a couple of photos. The first photo was taken before the attack. She was certainly enjoying herself.

Poor babies! I'm glad that they survived! Raccoons can fit through openings that are 4 in in diameter.
Poor babies! I'm glad that they survived! I just learned today that raccoon can fit through openings that are 4 inches in diameter. All they need to do is pull open a small hole and they are in. I'm not sure how they fit their fat bodies through, though.

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