CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Hi everyone!
I just found this thread. I'm in Oakdale and raise bantam cochins and silkies. I'm just getting started in silkies with a black pair I bought from Aimee Crego and have a few I hatched from Catdance eggs. My cochins I'm focusing on the brown reds and lemon blues and selling every other random color I have. We moved to a new place a month ago and I have to get reorganized.

Welcome to the California the Whole State Thread!

If it wasn't for the pain in my back and neck, it would be worse, but right now I hurt to move and in knots. Still numbness in my little finger though and I'm pretty sore. Think that is due to the surgery and the entry cuts, so I hope it's just healing and not infected. I have my next appointment on the 13Th. I'm so happy you got those Yokos to hatch! I just love them. I hope some of my Phoenix eggs hatch good for me. Heck I'd like to have anything hatch good for me. LOL My Sumatras, Cuba abs Games aren't laying which is weird, but I'm getting antsy wanted to hatch those as well.

Jenjeran welcome to the thread!!
I added you to the first post. If you go look at the breeder info and then post your info in here for me to copy and paste, I'll add you there too. BTW we're neighbors so
again. I like Oakdale although rarely go there or know my way around, but I get close since my oldest daughter lives in Riverbank.

BTW!!! We have almost 200 members for the Mahonri Easter hatch. I'm saying 201.........Would be great to have more from California on there, so everyone go sign up! Lots of prizes and still a GF membership up for grabs if you post at the right time.
Welcome......You are in good compay. You have another silkie Breeder nearby.
Hi everyone!
I just found this thread. I'm in Oakdale and raise bantam cochins and silkies. I'm just getting started in silkies with a black pair I bought from Aimee Crego and have a few I hatched from Catdance eggs. My cochins I'm focusing on the brown reds and lemon blues and selling every other random color I have. We moved to a new place a month ago and I have to get reorganized.
Hi everyone!
I just found this thread. I'm in Oakdale and raise bantam cochins and silkies. I'm just getting started in silkies with a black pair I bought from Aimee Crego and have a few I hatched from Catdance eggs. My cochins I'm focusing on the brown reds and lemon blues and selling every other random color I have. We moved to a new place a month ago and I have to get reorganized.
Welcome! Im in Modesto and I raise and show bantam polish and bantam Cochins. I have pictures of some of my birds on my Facebook page (see signature). A far as my Cochins I have whites and blacks. What colors do you have for sale?
Hi I am hew here... just found the site a couple weeks ago... ordered my 8 chicks and they will be delivered April 25. So this is giving me time to make my cute coop. I am so excited. I went today to home depot and got price on some plywood to complete the list needed to build this. We have a lot already on hand ... just need to fill in.

I live in the country in the central valley... just south of Turlock (between Delhi & Hilmar) we have 10 acres and all kinds of critters...Horses, sheep, geese, ducks, dogs, cats... so I am now adding chickens. Actually our place use to be an old chick husband raised 21,000 chickens at one time here... but no more of those days. I have turned one of the old barns into our PARTY BARN. It is really kewl. I am glad to see there are quite a few on here from the Central valley and close to me
and that there are a lot on here from all over the state. I hope to maybe meet some of you at some time. I am attaching a copy of the picture of what my coop will look like... but I am going to paint mine. I just need to come up with a fun name for my coop. if any of you come up with a fun name this...please let me know. my hobby's are Riding my motorcycle, fly fishing, camping, gardening, going to Renaissance fairs, oh and I like my wine also.

Looking forward to meeting my neighbors
take care

and the california thread. OMG you're my idol! Since I was 12 I've wanted a party barn and closest I got was one my mom's cousin built in my honor. LOL She loved that idea.

And you ride?????????? OMG no one has ever taught me to be more than a bar leaner! LOL Begged for decades!

I'll add you to the members on the first post. Love the coop.
Welcome Janice!
Ahhh building a new coop is so much fun! That is one adorable coop too! Can't think of any names right now but I'll speak up if I do.

Kim! You've shocked me! I thought you had done everything! What kind of self respecting *** child (oops almost put the era down and that would tell everyone how ooooold we really are) never learned to ride? I was 14 and the guy I was out on a date with wouldn't take me home til I got on and learned to ride. Course he was rethinking that by the time we hit town and I yelled back "Can I turn right on a red light?" He answered yes so I screamed through it barely slowing down. Hey! He never said I was supposed to stop at said light before completing my turn! Oh this wasn't really my first time. I rode dirt bikes for many years before that. Just the first time on a street bike. BTW - it's not the same thing.

LOL Good times, good times!
Welcome Janice!
Ahhh building a new coop is so much fun! That is one adorable coop too! Can't think of any names right now but I'll speak up if I do.

Kim! You've shocked me! I thought you had done everything! What kind of self respecting *** child (oops almost put the era down and that would tell everyone how ooooold we really are) never learned to ride? I was 14 and the guy I was out on a date with wouldn't take me home til I got on and learned to ride. Course he was rethinking that by the time we hit town and I yelled back "Can I turn right on a red light?" He answered yes so I screamed through it barely slowing down. Hey! He never said I was supposed to stop at said light before completing my turn! Oh this wasn't really my first time. I rode dirt bikes for many years before that. Just the first time on a street bike. BTW - it's not the same thing.

LOL Good times, good times!

I had mini bikes, but by the time I was free enough from home to ride my now ex was too macho to let me. Later I just never got to learn. Long story way Bill backed out of teaching me, but it was one of the things he finally agreed to teach me just before he died. Dakotah and I are supposed to take a CHP class. One of these day. But nope. I haven't done everything.
Well now you still have something to look forward to. The next big thing I would love to do is get my pilot's license. Don't know if it will happen but it is a dream I'm still clinging to. I've flown a plane though. Taxied, took off. flew from Palo Alto to San Carlos and landed all by myself! I was terrified the whole time but the CFI kept saying "Don't worry! If I need to take the controls, I will! I won't even ask first, I'll just take them!" I was freaking and kept telling him to take over but he kept repeating that he didn't need to yet.

Once I landed the fear instantly changed to exhiliration!!! OMG!!! I kept yelling "I flew a plane, I flew a plane!" It was an extremely stable student plane but I did it!!! It was truly amazing!

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