CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Thanks Stephanie. BTW I added you to the first post. Welcome to the thread!


Sunny I posted on the Nevada thread. You know you're getting some of these. Right now Lettie (blue egg) is part of the purple project. Mostly because she's a Houdini bird. I figured I might as well see what I get since her eggs don't have a green tint. I'll be putting her back in with the Shaffer roo as soon as I can figure out how she gets out, but I'm going to hatch out what she's still laying and see if I get more purple layers. I've been collecting from her to do this, but then separated them and she just likes those other roos I guess. LOL
lol Thank u
OMG I have a pullet that thinks she is supposed to lay eggs in puddles. She did ot 2 days in a row and today I don't think I'm going out in this weather to go through rain puddles. In the water?? Maybe someone told her about Lebouya (sp) births.

Stitches are out. No cast, I got a brace. Now I have to see if my insurance pays for therapy to get me moving again. I'm a raw mess though. I forgot to tell them I'm allergic to bandages, so all my fault. BUT my wrist is healing, the plate is set perfect and looks like I'll have 2 hands after a while. Still, NO lifting pushing, pulling or picking anything up yet, but no stinkin cast and I cab even take the brace off already to shower. Still chicken to do that, so I'm just going to cover it, but the surgeon was surprised what I could do already with my fingers. I've been really working with them so I wouldn't have a problem later and she said I did great and didn't push to hard to undo her work. And dang there are lots of screws in there. Must be very tiny things. I took pics right after the stitches were out. Kayla says "that's soooo cool, but it looks like you're gonna rip open." Then she wanted to see it again. LOL
Good news about your arm... please take care,


Thanks. I'm going to make sure I do what I need to do to get to as close to 100% as possible. My brother had a bad experience at therapy when they made him bend his knee to much and he never got the movement back, so that makes me paranoid. I'm going to look online for things to do just in case my insurance doesn't pay for it anyway and try what I find.
I'm glad you're healing well, Kim. Isn't that just adding insult to injury, being allergic to bandages? I forgot and slapped a big one on a chunk of arm I lost on the quail pens, and now I have a nice square rash around it.

Look what arrived today:

Ducklings 036 by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

It was a good thing I came home from work early today, as the mail lady just left them on the porch to freeze to death. They were really cold, but fortunately all still alive. The box said in several places to hold at the post office, with my number plastered all over it. I'm afraid to call and complain, or we won't get any mail at all.
OMG I have a pullet that thinks she is supposed to lay eggs in puddles. She did ot 2 days in a row and today I don't think I'm going out in this weather to go through rain puddles. In the water?? Maybe someone told her about Lebouya (sp) births.

Stitches are out. No cast, I got a brace. Now I have to see if my insurance pays for therapy to get me moving again. I'm a raw mess though. I forgot to tell them I'm allergic to bandages, so all my fault. BUT my wrist is healing, the plate is set perfect and looks like I'll have 2 hands after a while. Still, NO lifting pushing, pulling or picking anything up yet, but no stinkin cast and I cab even take the brace off already to shower. Still chicken to do that, so I'm just going to cover it, but the surgeon was surprised what I could do already with my fingers. I've been really working with them so I wouldn't have a problem later and she said I did great and didn't push to hard to undo her work. And dang there are lots of screws in there. Must be very tiny things. I took pics right after the stitches were out. Kayla says "that's soooo cool, but it looks like you're gonna rip open." Then she wanted to see it again. LOL

Yea! No cast!!! So glad you finally found a decent surgeon!

I'm glad you're healing well, Kim. Isn't that just adding insult to injury, being allergic to bandages? I forgot and slapped a big one on a chunk of arm I lost on the quail pens, and now I have a nice square rash around it.

Look what arrived today:

Ducklings 036 by Cowgirl Jules, on Flickr

It was a good thing I came home from work early today, as the mail lady just left them on the porch to freeze to death. They were really cold, but fortunately all still alive. The box said in several places to hold at the post office, with my number plastered all over it. I'm afraid to call and complain, or we won't get any mail at all.

Oh My Gosh!!! How freakin' adorable are they?!! Fantastic photo by the way! What kind of camera do you use?

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