CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

OMG those ducklings are adorable and that photo is awesome. I need to learn how to take better pictures. I have a good camera but don't know how to adjust it. I need to take a class to learn.

Cheryl that brooder is charming. Everything you have looks like a work of art, including your chickens.

Cheryl that brooder is charming. Everything you have looks like a work of art, including your chickens.


WOW you are so kind

So excited I traded some jubilee and mille fleur chicks and this cool guy in Missouri sent me (hopefully arriving tomorrow) This is his email to me this am, very cool - all the dwarfs are going to my best friend Chooklet/Dyann as she's breeding them

I shipped you all older ones... isbar around 8 to 10, around 8+ Olandsk dwarfs, I thinks 5 or 6 cream legbar pullets + 2 Roos and 8 to 12 birchen marans I'm sorry I got to be so many I lost exact count

Oh dear does that mean I will fall in love with the Isbars or Legbars and have to breed them...I need MORE SPACE NOW!!!
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Well you had a lot on your mind. Good luck getting more of the lavender eggs! I so hope one of the pullets I have is one of the lavender layers!
Do you want your Polish girl now? I could bring her when I come down. Do you want a WCBP boy too? If you want a pair that is no problem I will pick out a cute set for you.

Cheryl that brooder is sooo cute!!! The polish are adorable too!

OK I have a few new pics but it takes too long to post them so here's the link (second post down)...
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Sunny with all the rain going on and all the chicks here, would you be able to hold them until maybe the next time? Where's the on your knees begging smilie?
No problem!!! They have a home here as long as you need.

Loved the pics on the Nevada thread. I just love Polish and miss mine so much. I'll have to tell you about Pulleta some day. She used to crack Bill up. Hopefully after I get this wrist moving again I can put together some things I have supplies for and I'll be all set when a new bird comes.

I had my nose to the hatcher yesterday off and on for hours. Then realized hatch day is today. Nothing going on in there at all though, so I'm a nervous wreck. I think it's this house. I can go from zero to 100% hatches usually but back to getting just a few and then nothing hatches. The eggs in there now are all mine. Lots of small aircells when I candled, so I'm just crossing my fingers that I get some, but there are 49 eggs in there. I couldn't see through a few, like the FBCMs and some of the AMs, but if anything is in there the aircells are probably small too.

I got 2 shipments of eggs today. Not sure what my swap eggs are, but I ordered some Black Tail Buff Japs since Lowrider needs a woman. LOL He couldn't do the while dozen, but I told him I'd take a coule of Silkie eggs. I ended up with a total of 18 eggs and the Silkies are black, white and paint! I was hoping for blues too, but guess they aren't laying or he had an order, but really excited about paint and black.

Cheryl I have a bunch of things I want to reuse and I'm delivering them all to you to do for me. LOL I LOVE that brooder!!!
Quote: The game and silky eggs sound awesome! I am wondering about the small air cell in those eggs of yours. Don't you use the dry hatch method? Those air cells should be a little too large if anything. Where is the bator kept? Is it in the bathroom or kitchen or someplace else with a lot of humidity? I mean I know with the weather you are getting inundated with, humidity is in the air but a small air cell with the dry hatch method makes no sense to me. I wish I could see your setup.

I've been reading up on this method and the whole purpose is to give the chicks less room to grow since when they grow too big they have a hard time maneuvering around to get enough leverage to get out easily. We need to figure out what the problem with your bator is so we can fix it and get you some better hatches!

OK now I need help with something. How do you rabbit proof a large veggie garden cheaply? I want to plant a large area so raised beds etc are not going to work. Trying to put a wire cage around every plant is also not practical when there are so many. I wanted to put a fence around the whole plot but folks tell me that they will just dig under it. Even if you bury the fence they just dig deeper. Some of the rabbits are jack rabbits (yes, I know they are really hares not rabbits) and are HUGE with very powerful legs for digging and jumping. Any thoughts?

Welcome Ohylime!
I'm no help for orps or BRs right now but hopefully someone on here can help. Good luck!
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Kim so glad you are on the mend! I had a huge shipping day yesterday. 10 juvenile basque hens, over 50 chicks & 18 eggs.

More eggs shipping thursday for people in the Mahonri's easter hatch a long....busy week

10 jubilee orps hopefully hatching, in lockdown now - all sold

Crazy fun here EXCEPT the pens are flooding at the ranch so I had to move my silver pencils into the free pen I was going to move the new Tolbunt Polish I got into. What a mucky mess....

Did I show you these ones yet?

Also finished the brooder over at the Ranch so the kids there can observe them growing up! Just took an old hutch, a quart of paint, shutter thingies from my house etc and I think it turned out pretty cute

Cheryl - you do the cutest things with chickens (and their housing)!

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