CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

I hatched some eggs that came came Karen and Cheryl in March and I have some cockerels that need homes. They are free and I live in Modesto. I have one Marans and one Olive Egger from Karens birds and one Silver Pencil Rock that came from Cheryls birds.
Thanks, Ron! I am actually egg/chick sitting for Cheryl while she is out of town. I also had 4 eggs that were under my broody before she met an untimely death last Thurs. They are the 3 that hatched first and are terrorizing the new ones. I got the fertile eggs from Karen T. I've had 2 Salmon Faverolles and 1 marans/olive egger hatch. Then today, Cheryl's Speckled Sussex and BS Langshans started hatching! We are in chick heaven around here! I am using 2 of Cheryl's hovabators to hatch this group. Then I have her rcom 50 full of eggs that are due to hatch on 6/9.

Sounds like you are having a great time with Cheryl's hatch. My last hatch will be a week from Thursday. After that I will be waiting until I can hatch my own eggs-- EO Basque and Cream Legbars.

Hi Wolftracks Kim,

Sorry about you losing a baby rabbit (Kit?). Glad to hear the Meal Worms are doing Well.

What kind of Dorking eggs are you going to hatch?

Ron I figured it was easier to just copy and paste the pm I got from my swap partner.

you'll notice the eggs range from about a medium to xl egg... the med-large eggs are out of my sg hens, there might be 2 or 3 xl eggs that are slightly tinted (not as white), those are from my dark colored girl, and could be bred by either silver grey or red. her chicks tend to be much darker when they hatch, so it'll be easier to tell them apart. the sg girls may have been bred by either red or silver grey (the red got out). easy enough to tell who's who tho, silver grey will be obvious. LOL the red roo will throw red pullets and gold cockerels.

i sent 12 eggs. the mid-sized large eggs should be pure, as those girls love the big guy and hang with him as much as possible (and avoid the red like the plague LOL).

Deb I'm glad you're getting broken in to hatching
Oh geez. I went to check the bunnies out and make sure mom had lots of food and water. I only saw one and I was frantic until I located the other one. They are both getting so much fur, so fast. I decided to check them out since I've basically left them alone and noticed that the smaller one is evenly covered with fur, so a single mane. Then I looked at the bigger one and it's DOUBLE MANED! YES! But I decided to also check them out better and I missed it before, but the small one is missing a back foot! There must have been something going on with the black ones and that's why they died. I'm not sure what to do. I think I'm just going to see what hapens for now. I mean I can't keep or lace a rabbit with a missing foot! It's being fed and seems ok for now. I'm so bummed. I really wanted some babies and I get them and I'll be down to one soon.

On a good note, Makayla and I went to a car show today. Dakotah has no interest in classics. I think they switched babies on me at birth. Makayla on the other hand absolutely loves them and was asking me over and over if I had had this one and that one. Some of the ones I said yes to she looked at me like I was crazy and said "Whay would you get rid of a car like that??" My only answer because it was true?? " Cause grandma is broke now." Man I miss my cars. At least I could work on most of those myself!
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Oh yeah! I actually have Dorking eggs coming in the mail!

OK I lost the second black baby. He was chubby and didn't look like anything should be wrong and he died. The 2 white ones are way different sizes. She's obviously feeding them, but one has grown twice as big as the other and the smaller one is growing fur. I'm hoping I don't lose any more and that they are both does. That's not my luck though, but it would be nice. And I have no white rabbits, so I may keep them anyway. But what's weird about this litter is, I bred her where they should have been born last month. I didn't want a summer litter, so the only thing I can think of is she is in a cage connected to the mail. Never had a breeding through a cage though EVER! I had thought about breeding her the day before she delivered and then thought that wasn't a good idea since the heat is upon us. I've been buying bags of ice and icing down all of the animals, but if I can get my SIL cornered when he isn't working out of town, I'm going to buy a small chest freezer and keep it out back, so I have plenty of frozen bottles and containers for everyone. Took me forever today to fill waterers with electrolites and vitamins and scoop ice into everything I could fine.

I'm finally having some success with my meal worms. I have a bunch of beetles so I hope they start a nice little worm farm for me and the feathered babies. I have a small container, so I need to get a bigger one this coming week. Maybe I'll get enough, so when I don't have to freeze containers for the summer I can freeze mealies for them instead.

We went to my grand daughter's graduation party today. I came home with lettuce plants from my sister, so I really need to go get netting and put my plants into the raised bed and some feed bags.

OK gotta go check and see if I have anymore quail hatched out.
Do you need us to be saving feed bags for you & if so what kind.? Some of my feed comes in the kind of solid platic type (Start & Grow) & the rest comes in the woven white/clear mesh.

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