CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Hello my Californian neighbors. Just stopped by to see how you all are doing. Please send us some of your sunshine up north as we are having fall for summer it seems. Cold, cloudy and rainy. Bleh!

Such a real shame about the recent horrible event with your beautiful birds mycutekitties. Truly I especially feel bad for your two darling young girls. Seems a crime for them to face an unnecessary trauma via your very unresponsible neighbor. I can't understand folks like that. Very cold! It must be very stressful for you dealing with it all. I hope and pray good things will come your way as you seek justice.

What a lovely photo of you and your husband, Kim. You both look so happy together. Shared this quote recently with my sister.
"Grieve isn't something you get over. It's something you go through." Alan Pederson
My sister lost her only son 3 years ago suddenly from an accident and she adds to that quote... and go through, and go through ...
Hang in there and be very good to yourself. So glad you found your missing EE. lol Very cool it showed up finally.

Thanks again for your kindness Kim. Take care.

California Poultry People Facebook Group Fall Meet Up

The California Poultry People Facebook Group is happy to announce our Southern California Fall Meet Up has been planned!

~Hosted by Ed and Christie Simms of Bumpy Road Ranch~

When- September 15, 2012
Where- Bumpy Road Ranch in Leona Valley, CA (about an hour from LA)
(please PM me NoseyChickens for the exact address. It is a personal residence so the host is asking it not be posted online)
Time- 10am - 2pm
Events- Food and Drink will be for sale at the event or you are welcome to bring your own.
A Raffle will be held at 12:30pm (donated items are welcome and you will get 5 free raffle tickets for each donated item)
Birds and other poultry related items will be offered for sale

More Details-
You are welcome to set up your own area if you have birds or other poultry related items for sale.

PLEASE remember this is a personal residence and NO other pets are allowed on the property. ALL birds must be CAGED while on the property. NO sick birds or birds that have been known to carry or have been exposed to a known illness are allowed out of respect for bio security for the property owners and the other birds there for sale.

Mark Your Calenders! Hope to see you there.
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California Poultry People Facebook Group Fall Meet Up

The California Poultry People Facebook Group is happy to announce our Southern California Fall Meet Up has been planned!

~Hosted by Ed and Christie Simms of Bumpy Road Ranch~

When- September 15, 2012
Where- Bumpy Road Ranch in Leona Valley, CA (about an hour from LA)
(please PM me NoseyChickens for the exact address. It is a personal residence so the host is asking it not be posted online)
Time- 10am - 2pm
Events- Food and Drink will be for sale at the event or you are welcome to bring your own.
A Raffle will be held at 12:30pm (donated items are welcome and you will get 5 free raffle tickets for each donated item)
Birds and other poultry related items will be offered for sale

More Details-
You are welcome to set up your own area if you have birds or other poultry related items for sale.

PLEASE remember this is a personal residence and NO other pets are allowed on the property. ALL birds must be CAGED while on the property. NO sick birds or birds that have been known to carry or have been exposed to a known illness are allowed out of respect for bio security for the property owners and the other birds there for sale.

Mark Your Calenders! Hope to see you there.

Just added to the first post.

BTW I've been out of it lately, so when you guys see that I miss something that needs to be on the first post, please let me know.
Hello my Californian neighbors. Just stopped by to see how you all are doing. Please send us some of your sunshine up north as we are having fall for summer it seems. Cold, cloudy and rainy. Bleh!

Such a real shame about the recent horrible event with your beautiful birds mycutekitties. Truly I especially feel bad for your two darling young girls. Seems a crime for them to face an unnecessary trauma via your very unresponsible neighbor. I can't understand folks like that. Very cold! It must be very stressful for you dealing with it all. I hope and pray good things will come your way as you seek justice.

What a lovely photo of you and your husband, Kim. You both look so happy together. Shared this quote recently with my sister.
"Grieve isn't something you get over. It's something you go through." Alan Pederson
My sister lost her only son 3 years ago suddenly from an accident and she adds to that quote... and go through, and go through ...
Hang in there and be very good to yourself. So glad you found your missing EE. lol Very cool it showed up finally.

Thanks again for your kindness Kim. Take care.

Dee you can have the heat. Not too bad today, but getting higher through the weekend. I'm glad you like visiting us here. Oh my missing girl was a Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. I had bought her the night before. She's worked her way into the flock now. She avoids me but that's ok. She'll learn what treats are. LOL Your sister addition to the quite is right. Never know when a bad day or bad moment will hit. ((hugs)) to your sister.
Have you slapped her with a civil suit yet? That'll get her attention. I don't understand why AC doesn't just go there and make her surrender the dog if they have tagged it dangerous.
Have you slapped her with a civil suit yet? That'll get her attention. I don't understand why AC doesn't just go there and make her surrender the dog if they have tagged it dangerous.

I'm waiting for Sebastian to recover. I want to make sure I don't have to take him to the vet again. I'm planning on filling around August 1st.

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