CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

To all of the winners!

The Mobile version will work on Desktop computers too. Use it for slow connection speeds or slow computers. Even ones that can't handle the graphics and etc.

I use the Mobile version on my Nook Color Tablet and BYC is actually usable on it now.
Here are four of mine.
Golden Campine - Ch Continental

New Hampshire - Reserve Ch. American

Bantam BR - BV (out of 8)

BCM - RB (out of 17) didn't get a very good pic of her

I had several other BV/BB, but they were mostly small entries.

I also enjoyed very much meeting and chatting with Sunny & Steve. She's as much fun in person as online.

I didn't know all these birds were yours! Beauties!
Thanks for the tip Ron, the mobile version is awesome! So much faster then Tapatalk.
I'm gonna have to get a smartphone one of these days aren't I?

In the meantime I am gonna try it on my laptop with the horribly slow connection. Thanks Ron.
Whoa! You gotta try this Kim! It is much faster!

OK... no smileys though... um... uh... AAAH! How do I write without smileys?!!!
Tried it but it doesn't help. I can't even click on the links in my profile to get to a thread. The problem I'm having is getting to my last spot in a thread to get back to a conversation or information. I have to go through everything and its frustrating. Like the Nevada thread has over 200 posts, btw not a shock, that I haven't read, but I get sent back and can't figure out where I was. The mobile page won't let me in at all from my profile page. I'm having other issues too. You know me, always something with me. LOL

Congrats to all the winners of the Reno show. Sarah I always look forward to Paige's winnings. She's always done such a great job, even while not feeling well! She's amazing.
Crazy huh, I can't believe how fast it is...but it would be nice to have the smileys, but you can add a photo so just add the url for the smileys.

Yeah. Just takes too long with my connection.

The smileys show up on the right of the edit window. There is a more button to get to all of them.

It is great for Mobile or slow connections.

The smileys don't show up for me but the mobile version may be interacting with the limited preferences I setup for the other version. S'ok. I don't have to have smileys. It's nice just to get a fast page load. :)
OK I figured out that if you click on that brown square at the top left of the page it takes you to subscriptions etc. On the right top square it takes you to unread messages in the current thread you're in.

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