CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

The feral birds are showing up again. I had a feeling those roos were sticking close to broodies and today one of them was out with a hen and a whole lot of chicks. I wish it wasn't so hot out, cause I want to catch all the chicks this year and also the roos. I figure eventually we won't have this problem again, but then I'm sure someone else will leave birds behind and it will start over. Still, I need to try and do something. I have no idea where they are going at night right now, but over the next few days, I may be looking even stranger to my neighbors, while I hunt down nests.Only a matter of days before more are going to be showing up.
The feral birds are showing up again. ... I have no idea where they are going at night right now, but over the next few days, I may be looking even stranger to my neighbors, while I hunt down nests.

The feral chickens in the township near me roost in trees at night. So check the trees in your area at night. A good job for an older kid. Might be hard to do if they are in someone else's yard.
The feral chickens in the township near me roost in trees at night. So check the trees in your area at night. A good job for an older kid. Might be hard to do if they are in someone else's yard.
Oh I know where they roost. In a 20+ ft tall pomegranate tree in a neighbor's yard. But I know the hens and chicks can't get way up there, so I need to find the nests.
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Had to share these. They belong to a chicken friend from FB.

Momma 23 hours ago


Princess Lea


Master Yoda


And my favorite and wish I had a place where I could have him

Chewbacca aka Chewy


I absolutely love him!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I know this is the CA thread but have you all been ingesting grass?!!!!! LOL

Determining sex means "pre-conception" and refers to who carries the determining chromosome. Once conception occurs its a done deal. Well, unless you're Ron, I've heard his chicks turn into Roos!!! So there ya go...
Ok, I know this is the CA thread but have you all been ingesting grass?!!!!! LOL

Determining sex means "pre-conception" and refers to who carries the determining chromosome. Once conception occurs its a done deal. Well, unless you're Ron, I've heard his chicks turn into Roos!!! So there ya go...
I just watched Mad Men and that last episode! So much drugs in that show. My Grand Parents must have been wilder than I thought....

It is painful when we get too many little boys to hatch. There is not much we can do about it since each egg from the hen is set for gender from the time the hen is hatched. It just depends on the egg that is fertilized and which ones hatch.

My you all hatch lots of pullets.....
What I meant was; you would think this works with most animals... > > >from what I understand, the hen (or male, as in mammels) determines the (I think she meant sex here, not breed) and its already in the egg, the same way the sperm is already decided in humans. The closest thing I have seen to !!!! like that in poultry is turkeys who can self inseminate on occasion if there are no toms around.

And it wound make far more sense that other animals could adapt, change, do things to ensure the survival of their species. Humans would be the last on my list, with the ability to do this. Humans have proven for years that they change their environment to fit themselves.
Ok, I know this is the CA thread but have you all been ingesting grass?!!!!! LOL

Determining sex means "pre-conception" and refers to who carries the determining chromosome. Once conception occurs its a done deal. Well, unless you're Ron, I've heard his chicks turn into Roos!!! So there ya go...
What I meant was; you would think this works with most animals... > > >from what I understand, the hen (or male, as in mammels) determines the (I think she meant sex here, not breed) and its already in the egg, the same way the sperm is already decided in humans. The closest thing I have seen to !!!! like that in poultry is turkeys who can self inseminate on occasion if there are no toms around.

And it wound make far more sense that other animals could adapt, change, do things to ensure the survival of their species. Humans would be the last on my list, with the ability to do this. Humans have proven for years that they change their environment to fit themselves.

there's a big difference between the gender being determined by chromosome variability in the egg (birds) or sperm (mammals), and the individual creature "determining" the gender in some deliberate response to their environment. they're not doing the latter.

there ARE some species for whom environmental conditions can affect its, or its offsprings', gender -- like sea turtles, if their eggs are incubated at higher temperatures, they tend to hatch more and more girls -- this is a concern with climate change, if average temps go up, there may be fewer and fewer male turtles. but species like that are the exception rather than the rule.

and humans are a species, just like all the others -- we're all evolving, all the time. we're also not the only ones who change our environment -- classic example is a beaver, which completely changes the ecosystem around it when it builds a dam across a river.

(apologies, i'm an environmental studies professor, and just can't help going into Lecture Mode sometimes!)

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