CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Still wracking my brain trying to figure out why no one but the layers are laying. I'm so stumped. I have no idea what the heck is happening.
Wow!! Awesome thread... FULL of info & hookups! If I may I'd love to be added to the list & I'd also love to share a new little bit of info on an Urban Homesteading group. We're very poultry friendly & would love for more to join us!

Would you like more info? Read on here & then click the link if you're interested in joining... hope to see you there!!


Together with a dear friend of mine I have put together a new group - especially for those of us who are striving to live a more natural lifestyle. It's a group that's meant to be inclusive of those who are seeking a healthier diet, fueled by the freshest of the fresh, LOCAL, organic goods!

My friend & I feel that there is a great need for a one-stop-shop type of group that's filled with the resources necessary to connect local growers with their consumers. It will also be a place where we can commiserate regarding the trials & tribulations of the growing trend aka #UrbanHomesteading!!

If you're interested in a healthy lifestyle, fresh, local, organic goodies & pasture-raised meats - then we invite you to join our group SoCal Homesteaders.

Bring your friends too so we can all build our community together!
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Generally my layers lay and my roosters crow. Am I missing something?

Haha Oz! LOL I consider my mixed flock as my layers and my breeding pens as "I have no darn eggs to sell!" LOL I can't afford to feed them if I can't sell those eggs. Divas!

Just so you all know, most of the pages we have are open. If you have information, feel free to add it. I wanted to make it easier, since I have a lot going on and I don't have help on them.

Make sure you all look at the pages too... I tried to put as much info together for us in the whole state, so it doesn't have to be hunted down all over the site. I had some other ideas for pages, but I'm old and I forget what I was going to do. LOL
The heat affected my hen's egg production, for sure. Except for my one bantam Mille Fleur Cochin who is laying steadily (other one is...broody of course!) but you have to use three of her eggs to equal one! Gave my new son-in law a little plate of eggs but told him it was 12 eggs ahead of time, so he didn't know what to say when he got a tiny bit of scrambled eggs. (He's 6'4") I'm sure he thought I couldn't count right! Chicken Humor! :D

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