CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

I am in the Whittier area till the 7th. I am looking for Silkie, Fizzle or Sizzle chicks in any color other than white. If anyone has them please let me know. Thank you...
Hey Rambob, how are you?

Nothing but from the later girls today, but I've gotten 3 Silkies, 4 Japs, 1 Silkied AM and 1 Lav AM, just yesterday. Felt like I hit the Lotto. I owe Silkied AM eggs, but I get 3 and then nothing,for 2 weeks. Can't send old eggs. They're stressing me out. I need eggs to sell it the feed buckets are going to be as empty as my fridge.
I'm doing well Kim, Thank you.
I had a few people interested in phoenix eggs but none are laying :/ trying to sell my juvenile birds for cheap just to cover feed while hens aren't laying lol. I have quite a bit of birds to sell still. Shipping is to high to ship to the east coast. Just got me a pair of Sumatra/Asil(Aseel) and they are super aggressive towards other birds. Sweet with humans though
I'm selling off several too. Another pair of Phoenix, my OEGB hens and a pair of bantam Chocolate bantams. Maybe a pair of Black Mottled Japanese too. I didn't get to check again for eggs before I left today and no lights out by the coops. I dropped the flashlight in the pool last night and the one on my phone shuts down on me. I end up having to stop in the dark and pull the darn thing up again, so checking in the morning. I have a Silver Phoenix hen sitting on her own eggs, but haven't candled yet, to see if anything is going on and same with my bantam Langshun hen. If that darn phone would stay on, it would be a perfect time to candle right now, but to "chicken" to go way out there in the dark. I'm trying to talk myself into selling my Sumatras, but I love looking at them, so they're on a back burner for now. LOL I have a AG/Sumatra roo in with a AD?Shamo hen, but I can't add my AG hens to the pen. That one hen is brutal. I had to sell one of my AG hens that I've had since I moved here, last month. I kept having to nurse her back to health all the time, because I thought the others were picking on her. Wasn't the case. I watched and she had gotten so mean, she would chase down hens and roosters and start fights, but she'd lose. The last time I found her injure, she was literally on her back with her feet straight up and I thought she was dead. She was a bloody mess. I think she decided to play dead and she's lucky I found her in time, but once she was well and back out there, I learned the truth and it didn 't make since to constantly have to doctor her up, so took her to the auction. She was a pretty bird too. Stupid bird.

Hope you get some juvies sold soon. I know what it's like to have to sell them to feed the others. Tearing me up to lose birds I've worked so hard on.
You at least have your own home to put them. I have the school which wont last long and when I have to go, I might have to take them to the swap meet and get a couple bucks a bird which really bumbs me out. My darn hens just hatched out more chicks! Not sure what to do lol. And I only have about 12 birds for show and the crele trio, white pair,and blue wheaten hen. So those are gonna go first. :(
I hope you find somewhere to keep them. I know you've had that on your mind. You have till when? October?

I'm trying to decide if I need to move. If I do, I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford anything where I can keep my birds. Job hunting isn't going very well, so it could be a reality. I'm going to try and figure out what I can come up with though.
Yea good news is a couple others and myself are going to be leading the poultry program at the highschool (nobody else has interest in chickens) so we are going to try and certify the school to be organic poultry, and we are going to take care of their farm and teach about poultry to classes when we can. But until someone who is in highschool is willing to take care of the chickens I am able to stay a bit longer. They want to find someone else soon too :/

Yea everything is getting real expensive specially since the minimum wage just went up. I hope to find a job once in out of college so I can try for a home with a bit of space for chickens. Even if I was able to keep 5 chickens including 1-2 roosters I would be soo greatful. I live in a town where there is mainly packing houses and feild work. And the homes in the country have tons of land but very expensive too. It would be nice if there were smaller pieces of property more affordable.

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