Californian Meat Rabbit Grow-Out Thread... **Picture Heavy**

Mine are two weeks old today!!! Time to go weigh when I get home!!! Oh and pics!
My NZW's are 14 days. They weigh in at 8.9oz, 9.5oz, 9.8oz, 8.4oz and 9oz = 45.6oz
They have gained 5.6oz since I weighed them 2 days ago. They also all have their eyes open and are moving all over the place now. They are so cute!!
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14 days old here what I have so far;

I weighed them, but I realized my scale only goes in increments of 1 oz, no in betweens so I am going to run down to target to see if they have any digital scales. I don't think this one is very accurate.

10 oz, 11 oz, 9 oz, 10 oz, 10 oz, and 9 oz.

We'll have to see how it compares to a better scale if I can find one.

I am also starting to track how much food so today; 1lb of food and 1 carrot. The kits are still only eating their mom's milk and have had no solid food yet.

**ETA boyfriend just told me he has a digital paint scale down in the garage so after we get back from the jobsite I'll have to tote the bunnies down to the garage and get a more accurate weight.

Didn't get a chance to weigh them with the good scale, will have to do it in the morning.



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Yes. I have pedigrees on them. The does wouldn't have been my first choice but there isn't a choice here. The lady I got them from only fed alfalfa. All her rabbits were thin with scruffy fur and the babies were small. If theses does/kits don't do well than I'll have to make a 9hr drive to buy some. They are fat and doing well though so I'm gonna give them a chance and see how we do.
How diid she get away with that? Mine don't particularly care for alfalfa.

When that's all they have..... Mine like their alfalfa in the evenings. I give them a bit at night and it is always gone by morning.
Here are the babies at 17 days old. It's their first day out of the nest box, I had to take the bottom part of the cat box out and put in a lower cardboard box so they could get back in.



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