Call Duck Breeder Directory 2015

So are you looking for just blue fawn and pastel? And I am confused are you looking for a chocolate drake with a female of those color?

Sorry, for drakes I'm looking for a blue fawn and a chocolate. For ducks, pastel is a must. Also for ducks, a butter and a snowy with spots :) so 5 total. Is that too many drakes for 3 ladies? If so, I'll skip the chocolate drake. I type as I think, so I'm all over the place sometimes.
Sorry, for drakes I'm looking for a blue fawn and a chocolate. For ducks, pastel is a must. Also for ducks, a butter and a snowy with spots
so 5 total. Is that too many drakes for 3 ladies? If so, I'll skip the chocolate drake. I type as I think, so I'm all over the place sometimes.
I think that is a fine number of drakes to ducks. I do not have any available right now. I normally have chocolates, and blue fawn drakes a available in the fall.
I am just starting i have pie, black, gray, and snowy. I will not have any to sell till next year due to family problems this year. [email protected]. duckling and adults is what i will be selling. Arizona

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