Call duck drake help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 29, 2013
I had a lonely female call duck because her mate was killed do I wanted to get her some new friends. I bought a drake and a duck. Now the drake will not stop chasing the old duck and is only hanging around the duck I bought him with. He does not let the duck near him or the little pool I have for them. She is being chased around and picked on constantly and I am afraid of her safety. Will this change after a couple days of being together or do I have to remove the drake entirely? The new duck does not bother the old duck too much. What do I do? Help please!
Take a time out - get the pair and the older duck separated.

It does not always go well. But it can go, slowly.

Keep them separate for the most part, but where they can see each other. Feed treats at the same time. Let them get used to seeing each other. They may yell at each other. Let them.

Then let them spend time together with your supervision. Shoving and chasing are not that terrible, but anything rougher than a little poke means you separate them again.

In most cases, just the passage of time near each other will help things calm down.

But do not leave the three together unsupervised at this point. Get her to safety.

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