Call Duck Egg


8 Years
Mar 9, 2011
One of my best friends gives me eggs all the time to hatch and keep and enjoy well the other day she gave me a call duck egg I am super excited but have never messed with call duck eggs... I turn twice a day and all that ...but can someone please give me some info I need to know... thank you ... its due to hatch in the middle of april...
I am just learning about calls myself but I do know that hand turning is best with them being on thier side. They also sometimes will need help hatching.
Turn at least 3 times per day; the number needs to be odd. I've never hatched calls so hopefully other people can give advice.
I just hatched 7 of them cute lil buggers. Hand turn the 3-5 times a day. Call ducks are LAZY hatcheres. Mine pipped but never zipped. I had to help everyone one of them. I do not always think this is the case, but it was my case. I incubated at the humidity level and temperature level as I do my chickens. That was my first hatch with them and I have 8 more cooking now. They are so stinking cute.
The first three that hatched.

This is Elvis. His egg rock and rolled the entire day before he hatched. Hence forth "The King of Rock and Roll"

This is one of my two crested babies. My daughter named him Poofer.
I have my call duck egg in with my goose,quail,chicken eggs... everything is checking out I keep a close check on him/her to make sure everything is going good... I love all my animals but am very close to my ducks... and really want call ducks now...
These are awesome... my egg looks like a EE egg... blue.. lol... so I really have no idea what kind of call it will be cannot wait tho....

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