Call duckling questions!!!

girl or boy?

  • young female

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • young male

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Queen Of The Coop
7 Years
Jul 13, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
Hey!! :frow
I want to find out if my call is a male or a female, i know she is too young (she is 27 days old).............but......i still want to try!!! :pop

She has greenish head (new) feathers, can a female have that?? She is VERY mixed you see that a Lot of drakes (including big ducks, not calls) mounted her mum, so she is probs a big mix up of duxs, her "main" dad was bibbed call that looks like this
and her mom (i believe) looks like this
(her mum i believe is a "grey" call)
and these are her "green" feathers
is this a male?? :hit:hit

And....when do calls stop growing (not including juvenile molt) thanks for any help!!! :thumbsup
Hey!! :frow
I want to find out if my call is a male or a female, i know she is too young (she is 27 days old).............but......i still want to try!!! :popView attachment 1031793
She has greenish head (new) feathers, can a female have that?? She is VERY mixed you see that a Lot of drakes (including big ducks, not calls) mounted her mum, so she is probs a big mix up of duxs, her "main" dad was bibbed call that looks like thisView attachment 1031791 and her mom (i believe) looks like this View attachment 1031792 (her mum i believe is a "grey" call)
and these are her "green" feathers View attachment 1031794View attachment 1031795 View attachment 1031796View attachment 1031797 is this a male?? :hit:hit

And....when do calls stop growing (not including juvenile molt) thanks for any help!!! :thumbsup
OMG i don't care what your question is, those are FANTASTIC pics :love. But, I'm confused. Are you saying a duckling can have more than 1 father?

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