Calling all New Brinsea Owners - PRIZES - March Hatch-a-long

Here is my entry for the March Hatch-a-long: 1 Welsh Harlequin and 6 Cayuga ducklings, all happily adopted at one day of age by my Pekin duck, who was setting on 3 mystery chicken eggs. The chick eggs were then transferred back into the Brinsea (Eco 20), and started hatching last night. I love this incubator! I never made an adjustment other than adding water to the reservoir twice and closing the vent during "lockdown."

Yay to everyone and their hatches. My Heritage Delaware Hatch is almost done on day 20! My Black australorp has 3 hatched out of 18 so far, also on day 20. lots more pips happening!

I woke up groggy to one little chick and by the time I brushed my teeth and poured almond milk in my coffee and checked again there were 4

Oh how these things go... and yes, did I say its only day 20???
Wow, I've missed so many hatches today. Congrats! Is this an Ameracauna or BCM?

Thanks. I got 2 BCM out so far. Hopefully lots to come.
This hatched today. Another egg has pipped. And there are 7 more that should be doing something soon.
Just to clarify, because I've seen it done both ways - are we supposed to remove the rails when we go into lockdown? This is my first hatch with my new Brinsea 20 ECO (I love that it's 'set it and forget it' for the most part), so I'm trying to clarify before I get to that point (on the 25th)
I take mine out for hatch but I believe either way is ok. If the rails are in your eggs should be larger side up. I thought I read in the instructions that you should take them out for hatch but I see so many people leave them in so I wonder if I read it wrong or if they didn't read at all. Either way, we all seem to get babies.
I've never left them in before, but I've had hatchlings knock my eggs around so much that I've had viable eggs not hatch (some that had pipped also). It makes me wonder if they knock them wrong and drown them. So I thought I'd try it with rails in this time to minimize the rolling of the eggs.

Last hatch I did the egg carton method and liked it also. I'm just experimenting!
Congrats on your hatches! I've been lurking FB and confirming your posts.
My guys are 24 hours old now, eating, drinking and pooping!

Just a reminder, when you load your pic to the Brinsea FB page, please post your BYC name. And it would be good politics to state which Brinsea you are using! Don't forget, once you've posted the same pic to BYC and Brinsea FB, you are in the running for the Brinsea OvaScope. Thanks everyone!
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