I have one buff rooster that I got on accident last year. He was sold to me as a pullet, but as he grew I quickly realized he wasn't one. I would have never intentionally bought a rooster, but I decided to keep him because of his breed known for being nice. For a while, he was never aggressive to humans but is still a great protector of his ladies. Recently he has become testy with certain people in my family. He hasn't ever tried anything with me (I spend a lot of time around him and am the primary person to raise them), but he has tried to go after my dad (who spends the least about of time around him) a few times.
Just a few days ago for the first time, we hatched our own chicks (instead of buying) because of him. The hen that incubated them and is taking care of them is a blue australorp, but we got a mix of different half Orpingtons because we have a mixed flock.
we love raising Lavender and Buff Orpingtons! they are a superstar dual purpose birds. our gals lay large brown eggs and the cockerels grow fast enough to process. I have an Orp wish list of colours I want in our hen house, but if I hatch out anything else this year my partner is going to kill me!
we love raising Lavender and Buff Orpingtons! they are a superstar dual purpose birds. our gals lay large brown eggs and the cockerels grow fast enough to process. I have an Orp wish list of colours I want in our hen house, but if I hatch out anything else this year my partner is going to kill me!
My partner says similar things 😆😆
Recently, we purchased 4 new chick's. 2 were said to be Buff Orpingstons. I've looked up photos of them & they look nothing like that. The pics showed a tan hen. These are black with brown. I'll post a photo when we get home. Could they be something else? We also brought home 2 Easter Eggers that are similar in color. Maybe they gave us all EE? Or something completely different? Bought at Tractor Supply. 🚜
I have only one buff Orpington named Goldie. She was given to us by a friend who loved her but she was always trying to take the flock over to their neighbors, so she dropped her off here. The first thing she did was wander over to the little coop where our Marans were. She picked a fight with one of the hens Camille. She pecked her once through the chicken wire and then watched her jump up and down furiously. Now they are the best of friends and Goldie has a bad tendency of taking Camille on road trips to explore my grandparent's garage next door.

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