Calling all pictures of Barnevelders

OK mediazeal, that was really nice of you. I'm the guy looking for the rooster. Feel free to PM me personally. Although I'd love more reasons to chat with mediazeal. -John
And I'm in Loomis, CA. Closer to Auburn than Sacramento, in case that makes a difference to anyone. Plus, we visit the in-laws in Sonoma regularly. Hey, look at me! My second post!
Some of my old Barnevelders. Sorry about the quality of the first two pictures. They are scanned from printed originals.

Pretty Boy:


Pretty Hen:


Pretty Boy in a molt looking not pretty with a molting hen and a Bourbon Red tom. At least you can see the pretty colors.



I have a small flock of four (getting more soon) and I have one barnevelder I got from my aunt, who has her sister (I'm not sure where she got them from, I'll have to ask). Here are some pictures of her..

Pretty Penny :)

First day out of the coop and allowed to free range

one more..
the first 3 girls I bought enjoying a nice dust bath! Barnevelder, Amarucana, and Splash Wyandotte

These Barnvelders were hatched May 7th. It is Now May 30th. They are just shy of 4wks. Both are feathering fast, have shoulder feathers, long wings and nice tails. The darker chick is Chocolate and the lighter one is Muffin

Here they are on June 9th about a week later

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Everyone told me Barnevelders were flighty and unfriendly, but I have not found that to be true. I'm loving these birds. They are friendly, curious and beautiful. They are from the June 3rd hatch at Meyer Hatchery. So, about 8 weeks old here. Mine are pretty dark - I'm hoping that they will have that lovely patterned feathering

Is the top bird here a rooster? It's been faster developing than the others so I'm not sure if it's just ahead of the curve or a rooster.

I like the posture of the Barnie below (bird on L is a Partridge Rock)

I am getting 10 Blue Double Laced Barnevelders as soon as Memphis is cool enough - not that I'm in Memphis but they'll go through there. It's wonderful to have the internet to be able to do all of this! Reading some of this column makes me anxious to receive them. They're the last we're bringing in this year so then we can sit out in the evenings and enjoy and get to know all of them. Sometimes shopping online for poultry can become a full time job (but it's fun and there's only written poop, not real!)

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