Calling All Rabbit Nutters

Treb Chews.
He makes pencils. Colored ones the mini says. 😩. I tried to get him some more of the little Hay sticks today but they were sold out again so I bought a pack of these fruit juice tinted sticks.
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Bunnies have officially stolen the whole room🥰
It’s still a bit bare. Working on it


The rug thing is basically just a carpet that I turned over so they get the non-slip side.

But it’s dirtyyyyy😩
Ava has always been a bit smaller than her sister and yesterday she started um mounting her sister 😭 nonstop all day long. I checked and they both look like girls to me but I might be wrong. It’s just dominance, right? Or is this a problem? Yesterday they also turned 5 months old, so maybe hormones?
Wondering what
Ava has always been a bit smaller than her sister and yesterday she started um mounting her sister 😭 nonstop all day long. I checked and they both look like girls to me but I might be wrong. It’s just dominance, right? Or is this a problem? Yesterday they also turned 5 months old, so maybe hormones?
Probably hormones... But my "doe" did the same thing before we found out he was a buck. Did your doe lift for her?

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