Calling All Rabbit Nutters

That's not always the case.
I suppose, but a responsible breeder would have most likely told Kiki if she had lost the doe early. And if they had to move or sell the rabbits, they shouldn't have bred them then. I don't know, but it just doesn't sound like the best scenario. Also, you wouldn't want to sell/give away a kit that early weather it had it's mother or not.
I suppose, but a responsible breeder would have most likely told Kiki if she had lost the doe early. And if they had to move or sell the rabbits, they shouldn't have bred them then. I don't know, but it just doesn't sound like the best scenario. Also, you wouldn't want to sell/give away a kit that early weather it had it's mother or not.
Agreed. I would never. No matter how responsible someone else would be, I am a successful bunny momma of six years and I trust myself to do the best by them until they're old enough to go to new homes.
I suppose, but a responsible breeder would have most likely told Kiki if she had lost the doe early. And if they had to move or sell the rabbits, they shouldn't have bred them then. I don't know, but it just doesn't sound like the best scenario. Also, you wouldn't want to sell/give away a kit that early weather it had it's mother or not.
The mom was alive at the time. She wanted to sell them at four weeks I believe.
Thats exactly what I was worried about.
He seems fine tho, Keeks did a great job!
All dat chonk
Didn't he stay with the vet for a little while?
How old exactly? Why didn't he stay with mama?
Stay with a vet? Girl what in the world are you talking about?

Oh maybe you're talking about how he stayed with the vet for a whole hour when he got his balls chopped off.

He didn't stay with his mama because the babies needed to go poof.

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