Calling All Rabbit Nutters

2 weeks ago

Hi everyone! i was wondering if anyone could reccomend a thread/article where i could find general information about rabbit care, breeds, housing requirements, feed, all of that kind of stuff for someone interested in getting a pet rabbit. I looked on the rabbit forum, but I couldn’t find a specific thread containing an overview of all the information. Thanks, and i love all of your sweet bunnies!
Hi everyone! i was wondering if anyone could reccomend a thread/article where i could find general information about rabbit care, breeds, housing requirements, feed, all of that kind of stuff for someone interested in getting a pet rabbit. I looked on the rabbit forum, but I couldn’t find a specific thread containing an overview of all the information. Thanks, and i love all of your sweet bunnies!
Hi everyone! i was wondering if anyone could reccomend a thread/article where i could find general information about rabbit care, breeds, housing requirements, feed, all of that kind of stuff for someone interested in getting a pet rabbit. I looked on the rabbit forum, but I couldn’t find a specific thread containing an overview of all the information. Thanks, and i love all of your sweet bunnies!
I don't think you will find a single source that can answer all your questions.

But what I will recommend, and she is actually quite controversial in the rabbit community, not everyone will agree with me recommending her. But I recommend Lennon the bunny on YouTube. She goes over everything you will need to know.

I learned everything I know about rabbits in about three days. There's a lot, but she's very entertaining, so you just soak it all up like a sponge.

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