Calling all spinal fusions Help for my 17 year old son

Sounds like malpractice to me. You son should be compensated for his pain and suffering. Some of these darned physicians thing they are G O D! Well, they need to listen to us mothers because we know our children! Shame on them! They ALL need to take classes in "BEDSIDE MANNERS" as far as I'm concerned!

So glad you didn't give up and I sure hope your son is fixed up right this time and can enjoy his life! Prayers and hugs to you and yours!

Sorry your son is in pain and I hope they get him all fixed! My FIL is paralyzed now because of a botched back surgery! He was a hard working man and now is confined to a wheelchair. He gets around pretty good now after 6 years of being in and out of the hospital. They almost killed him several times but he fought back! It's hard sometimes remembering him before the surgery. He had the original surgery one week after my twin girls(his first grandchildren) were born! It is sad because he will never get to run and play with them like a normal person. I will say that everyone has adjusted and the girls do like to go for ride on his motorized wheelchair!

Remember that doctors have a license to PRACTICE medicine!!
oh cackydoodledoo thats so sad!!!! Thats what I worry about the most. I know we took a risk when we did the surgery. Im not blaming the surgeron IM BLAMING there lack of concern Im just sick over the fact not one Dr was willing to listen to my son. He is in REAL pain 24x7 I know he needs to learn this new body. How do you tell a 17 year old more more football baseball fishing the rivers all day quad riding. and the ZOLOFT was for depression not to manage pain. He has done evrything they Drs said PT swimming ice heat rest ect.... His dad is so worried he will get paralized he wont let him play softball this year was the year the could play together waited 17 years for son and Dad to play. He has lost 20lbs his bladder isnt working correct My son just wants the docs to say hey Im sorry
Thanks for all your replies it helps to vent
They should say they are sorry but you have to remember that in their eyes they probably think they did the best they could. Unfortunately their best wasn't the best in your's or your son's eyes and resulted in unnecessary pain for him. I am glad that you have at least found a doctor now that will listen and is doing something. I will keep him in my prayers. Yes my situation was sad but I don't see it that way now. We adapt and adjust to things in life and that is what we have to do. My girls enjoy spending time with him and he even picks them up from school one day a week and takes them out to eat afterwards! That is a huge improvement to a couple years ago when he was bedridden and all they could do is sit in bed with him and watch tv!!! We take what we can get and enjoy what we have!!! It's all good!!
Sorry to all you cup half full peeps, but SOMEONE should have noticed from the xrays, ct scans etc that it wasn't healing right. ANY doctor should have been on top of that KNOWING that it may not heal right. The OP should not have had to go to soooo many docs on this one. The original surgeon should have caught this one for sure. The fact that she DID have to go to multiple docs just shows the blantant laziness that is common with docs these days.

I am thankful my doc only takes PPO insurance. HMO insurance is a PITA.
I'm really sorry to hear this happened to you and your son
I really hate it when people don't listen to what their patient is saying. I think some surgeons think they are invincible and can do no wrong. I hope you are able to get your son feeling better really soon!!!
I work in pediatric ortho / neuro / epilepsy/ and rehab. If you have any questions about fusions you can pm me too.
Good Luck!!!!
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