calling all wild bird feeders!!

I was relaxing a few minutes ago and a bald eagle came this way. I rushed out called the dogs and ran towards the coop, the eagle had turned and was headed in, when we scared it off...

I really am starting to hate them as pretty as they are.
duluthralphie wrote: What bird is that in your hand?
Believe it was a Song Sparrow. Glad your Goldfinches showed up. Am hoping the sun is shining tomorrow. Have seen one GF much brighter yellow than the others (bit premature). Not much here, today. Caught a Red Winged Black Bird, just before it escaped from the "frame" (they usually only show up in the summer and yak & yap in the cat tails on the south end of the pond). And snapped a shot of hawk panic just before dusk (think the Red Shouldered was just hunting down a roost, not a bird).
Ivan Where are you located to have so many species of birds?

Your pictures are impressive.

I had about 25 gold finches sitting in my open feed today, about half are starting to turn yellow.

BTW I missed the part about thwarting cowbirds, which means I like god finches even more.....

When I was trying to get a better angle on the finches, they flew, but I looked down and saw this.

I have not seen a rabbit here in ages.
Hey ya'll! I feed my little wild birdies out there... I have had some beauties this year..... I have four feeders.... Here are some I have this year so far.... [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Name them if you can.... :) I know most of them...
Luckylee, the first 3 are Redbirds. The first one is a male and the next 2 are males. The next 2 are sparrows I don't know what kind. On the next row are 2 Mourning Doves and a Sparrow. The next row is a Goldfinch on the left. I don't know what the bird on the left is. The next row is a Brown Thrasher, a Goldfinch and a Chickadee, Black Capped I think. The large birds circling are Sandhill Cranes with possibly some Whooping Cranes intermingled. The little bird with the purple head is either a Purple Finch or a House Finch, probably a House Finch.

MY guesses are first 3 are cardinals. The last one above is either a redpoll or chipping sparrow, not sure at all,

2 mourning doves. a female house finch maybe or a sparrow of some kind... a gold finch and a nuthatch..

Looks like a killdeer, gold finch and a chickadee.. last one is a house finch. I think...

sandhills or some similar crane,,, How did I do?
I think we should post one or two pictures of birds in our area so we can all learn more a them. I enjoy watching birds ,but I am not a good bird watcher. I have no idea what I am seeing a lot of the time.
You did real good... not a kill deer it is a Brown Thrasher you did get the chickadee it is a black capped chickadee... :) I think there was some kind of geese mixed in with the cranes.. They flew over for about 20 minutes and They were so loud but beautiful then headed to the North... I have never seen so many together.... I really enjoy the birds in my backyard! God's creatures great and small...

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