calling all wild bird feeders!!

I am having some activity today,
Not lots but some..

Red bellied woody
hairy and downy woody
blue jay
and a few nut hatches, mostly red breasted ones,

Unless the weather turns bad and we get snow, I could be done with Junco's for this year.

I have a couple of those very tiny finches here now, they look like miniature sparrows,

I found them using Merlin bird ID!

They are listed as rare in this area, Pine Siskins. There are 4 of them here now!
Spring is slow to move north. While I have heard Cardinals, song sparrows and great horned owls calling and establishing territories, finches are slow to change colors this year. Goldfinches are still rather drab. No signs of blackbirds. I did see one vulture last week. Usually by mid March the migrating flocks of robins start to return but this year there is no bare ground to be found.

I am starting to see the Goldfinches get a little darker and the Redbirds are getting brighter but the large flocks of Goldfinches. I haven't seen any Cedar Waxwings this year. I usually have a large flock that strips the berries off of my Savannah Hollies in about 3 days.
I am having some activity today,
Not lots but some..

Red bellied  woody
hairy and downy woody
blue jay
and a few nut hatches, mostly red breasted ones,

Unless the weather turns bad and we get snow, I could be done with Junco's for this year.

I have a couple of those very tiny finches here now, they look like miniature sparrows,

I found them using Merlin bird ID!

They are listed as rare in this area, Pine Siskins. There are 4 of them here now!

I get the Pine Siskins in the winter withthe Goldfinches. They are almost gone also.
Saw an interesting thing yesterday. A flock of Canada geese were heading North. Some sort of bird of prey was flying along with the flock. First at the end of the V, then alongside, then above. The geese were not reacting in any manner to it's presence. It eventually flew off to the East. I have no clue as to what it was. Conformation much like an osprey - oversized wings and slim body - , but at least twice the size. Anyone have any ideas?
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Several Cardinal pairs, goldfinches, red finches, junco, a pair of bluebirds, mourning doves, red bellied woodpecker, hairy woodpecker, Eastern Towhee, nuthatches, blue jays, titmouses, wrens and my hens who hang around to clean up the spills
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