calling all wild bird feeders!!

The blackbirds have all left except for one male redwing. A pair nested in the field to the West last summer. Perhaps it is the same male. Very little feeder activity yesterday. A Coopers hawk was hanging around all day.
I looked out the front door this morning and a Cardinal lit in a Dogwood that is in bloom. Such a pretty picture.
I had a cardinal today too, but I am sorely lacking in dogwood trees.

I have a bird I cannot ID out there, BUT I got pictures, It looks like a sparrow, but something is wrong, so I am not sure what it is.

It is like twice the size of the pine siskins eating near it.

Can't help with the bird. Lacking in dogwood blooms here - heck, the crocuses just started blooming - about a month late.
I had a cardinal today too, but I am sorely lacking in dogwood trees. I have a bird I cannot ID out there, BUT I got pictures, It looks like a sparrow, but something is wrong, so I am not sure what it is. It is like twice the size of the pine siskins eating near it.
Female rose breasted grosbeak?
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I may have to try something like this. I don't see many orioles usually. It will be interesting to see what other birds show up for it.

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