calling all wild bird feeders!!

I just looked them up online. 

It says they area South America bird. I have always called this yellow wing blackbirds, maybe they are a sub-species or variety of a red-wing blackbird..

It looks just like a red wing blackbird but there is no red on it at all. It is all yellow.  We have some here but they are no where as numerous as the red-wing.  They kind of mix together.

Down here we get huge flocks of mixed blackbirds in the winter.
Aren't Coopers Hawks the ones referred to as Chicken Hawks.
I certainly would call them that. Over the years I have lost more chickens to Cooper's hawks than any other predator. They excel at hunting through the trees giving the chickens little warning of an attack. Some consider them too small to take down large fowl but I have seen them do so, many times. If they are hungry enough they are willing to try anything.

II had a pair move through a month or so ago. They have since migrated on. In the past 2 days SPRING has made an appearance! We all forgot what warmer weather felt like. This past weekend was the first in over 3 months where we didn't have at least some snow. Activity at the feeders has slowed considerably. The goldfinches that have come are actually gold! Unfortunately some cowbirds have shown up in the past few days. The robins are back setting up territories as are the cardinals. I've seen some great blue herons fly by. Lots of geese and ducks too. Some goshawks were spotted far overhead.
I think when people refer to chicken hawks up here that are talking about a red-tail.

I have not lost any birds to them that I know of, BUT Eagles and Kestrels are another story... The Eagles are so brazen and the dogs do not scare them.

I am glad to hear someone else sees the yellow winged black birds even though the books say they are only in South America...

When I looked at their pictures they were not the birds I see here. These just have the thick yellow hash on the wings and no red.
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I think when people refer to chicken hawks up here that are talking about a red-tail.

I have not lost any birds to them that I know of, BUT Eagles and Kestrels are another story... The Eagles are so brazen and the dogs do not scare them.

I am glad to hear someone else sees the yellow winged black birds even though the books say they are only in South America...

When I looked at their pictures they were not the birds I see here. These just have the thick yellow hash on the wings and no red.

We seem to have the most Red Tailed Hawks here or at they are the most visible. We only see the small American Kestrel here. Both Sharp Shinned and Coopers hawks are seen in my area.
There are plenty of red tails here but they tend to hunt in open areas. A lot of our town is heavily wooded, making it more suitable for Cooper's.

I did see an osprey yesterday. There are a Lot of wood ducks this year too.
I live in a mixture of woods and open, I have a couple acres of open in the chicken yard and have 5 acres open field just behind it.
BUT Eagles cause me way more trouble than hawks do.
I am posting a picture as requested from duluthralphie here to share with you all. Here is a picture I took of an owl who has been hanging around. It has been allowing us to get within about 10 feet of it before it decides we are too close. So far it has just been cleaning up the pastures and leaving my birds alone. I believe it is a Great Gray Owl but that is only based on looking at drawings in a bird book, correct me if I am wrong.

I am posting a picture as requested from duluthralphie here to share with you all. Here is a picture I took of an owl who has been hanging around. It has been allowing us to get within about 10 feet of it before it decides we are too close. So far it has just been cleaning up the pastures and leaving my birds alone. I believe it is a Great Gray Owl but that is only based on looking at drawings in a bird book, correct me if I am wrong.
I compared your picture to the description and pictures in iBird and I believe you are right.

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