calling all wild bird feeders!!

A couple of people on the Minnesota thread are putting up hummingbird feeders. I am trying to resist the urge as I think it is too early. There are no flowers here yet, and we had a few "pellets" of snow here in central Mn.

When do you guys fill your hummingbird feeders and what latitude are you at? I am about 40 miles north of Minneapolis.
I had a weird bird here today, It looked like a starling except it was covered with white spots.

I looked it up and it is a starling!!

Amazing, I have never seen one looking like this..


sorry I did not mean to give the impression I took that picture. I did not. I just posted it to show you what it looked like. As I said I have never seen a starling look like that before. I could not get a picture and wanted to show you guys... sorry If you thought I was that good of a photographer.
I started putting whole shelled peanuts out for the crows to chase the Hawks off if they come around. If there is a bird which is teratorial and would consider the cowbird a threat you might try that tactic
Oh cool, yep..I'm a birder from years back and have done many bird counts and ID's for GA and a few in TN. The regulars I have at the moment are : Tufted Titmouse, Chickadees, Goldfinches, Blue Jays, Crows, Rufous sided Towhees, Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Red Headed Woodpeckers, Downies, White Throated Sparrows, Wrens, Cardinals, Chipping Sparrows, Nuthatches, Ruby Throated Hummers, Cow Birds, Mourning Doves. Hmm who have I forgotten. There's more I know. I'll have to take some pics...the oddest bird or one we DON'T have here was a Snowy Owl a few weeks ago. I've some real blurry pics since the camera batteries were dead ( oh sure). Didn't stay long though. the Pileated Woodpeckers come up now and then but are mostly interested in the dead or dying trees that are still standing. We had a brutal winter and still don't have the temps we normally have at this time of year. ( still in the 50's and 60's in day and down in 30's 40's at night). Had a couple of feet of snow on the ground until last month so the birds were VERY HUNGRY. I ended up putting feed down on our back (covered and partially enclosed) deck where ALL of them came to feed. Even the wood peckers sat on the floor and ate. I had a heated bowl for their water since it stayed below freezing for a month or longer. I always whistle when I feed them..and yep..they all are waiting for that sound. Had a heck of a clean up though.....lots of fertilizer for the maters..if I can ever get them to grow now. I'll have to dig up some pics..always taking them to see what we can see. We miss the unusual winter visitors we had that fed on the deck the Flickers and Waxwings. The Orioles just showed up, but still no sign of Indigo Buntings or Grossbeaks of any kind. Hope they make it. Dale

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