calling all wild bird feeders!!

I would love to send the finches and pine siskin back your way Ralph. I figured out that they like the finch blend feed because it is in small pieces and anything bigger they toss out to the ground. Had filled a feeder with sunflower hearts figuring they would like them- well yes but.... and I watched as they rained seed out of the feeder.
The cardinals and jays and sapsuckers all have one feeder with a larger sized seed mix they prefer and the crows clean up any peanuts they spill out. I saw a couple of robins but they are staying further south so far.
I would love to send the finches and pine siskin back your way Ralph. I figured out that they like the finch blend feed because it is in small pieces and anything bigger they toss out to the ground. Had filled a feeder with sunflower hearts figuring they would like them- well yes but.... and I watched as they rained seed out of the feeder.
The cardinals and jays and sapsuckers all have one feeder with a larger sized seed mix they prefer and the crows clean up any peanuts they spill out. I saw a couple of robins but they are staying further south so far.

I have 6-7 feeders just for that reason. It drives my DW nuts to see a bird land and start throwing seeds on the ground until it gets to the ones she likes. It does not bother me because my chickens eat them all.
We get doves hanging out at the foot of our feeder, they eat very well!
Did you like the way I shamelessly found to post a picture of the fuzzy butts on this thread?

BTW my DW commented yesterday on how many wild birds I have coming to the feeder. After telling me I had lots of them, she added, "too bad there are no pretty ones besides the woodpeckers"..

Sort of cut me off at the knees.
Did you like the way I shamelessly found to post a picture of the fuzzy butts on this thread?

BTW my DW commented yesterday on how many wild birds I have coming to the feeder. After telling me I had lots of them, she added, "too bad there are no pretty ones besides the woodpeckers"..

Sort of cut me off at the knees.

Ouch, lol. Yeah Ralphie, too bad

(I like the fuzzy butt's picture and that blue egg color is gorgeous.)
Interesting change in the bird population this year. Last year there were few blue jays. This year there is an abundance.
Can I build my new chicken coop and run over old bird feeding grounds? We are going to be building new pens for the Ameraucanas we are getting as day old chicks March 7.
So, is there a problem with immunity? Bird flu? We havent fed the birds in a long time but they still come and land by the dozens...will our new chicks get sick if we build on this particular plot of land?
Thanks much guys! any advice would be apprechiated!
thanks in advance!

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