calling all wild bird feeders!!

I still have not managed to get a picture of the couple of unidentified feathered visitors but I am working on it

I did, however, get a picture of mumma Rainbow Lorikeet and her two bubbas at dusk:

Teila, he is a beauty! Do you get many like him at your place?
Hey there N F C
Luckily the Herons do not visit too often. As I mentioned, we have gold fish in the back ponds and have lost one goldfish to an Ibis

This one did not stay too long as the pesky Noisy Miners were dive bombing him.

I do have a Heron/Ibis alarm system, aka Cilla [our matriarch] who raises the alarm whenever one does land in the back garden

We do get the occasional visit from Australian White Ibis and also Bush Turkeys but I am saving those for when I can get a picture, along with a couple of other visiting birds, including Kookaburras.

Edited to Add: I probably should add here that we are a little spoiled in our variety of visiting birds and this probably has a lot to do with the fact that we live near a Wetlands/Bird Sanctuary
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Hey there N F C
Luckily the Herons do not visit too often. As I mentioned, we have gold fish in the back ponds and have lost one goldfish to an Ibis

This one did not stay too long as the pesky Noisy Miners were dive bombing him.

I do have a Heron/Ibis alarm system, aka Cilla [our matriarch] who raises the alarm whenever one does land in the back garden

We do get the occasional visit from Australian White Ibis and also Bush Turkeys but I am saving those for when I can get a picture, along with a couple of other visiting birds, including Kookaburras.

Edited to Add: I probably should add here that we are a little spoiled in our variety of visiting birds and this probably has a lot to do with the fact that we live near a Wetlands/Bird Sanctuary

Kookaburras! Can't wait to see a picture of one of those
(Now I have that old song about them stuck in my head, lol.)
The Heron is handsome! We have cattle egret and an occasional blue heron. We are in-between the migration time now. It is a good time to be close to the coast to see the great flocks of geese and pelicans heading to their winter places. They had a monarch butterfly tagging event last weekend as the butterflies are also heading south.
I flipped on the lights to the barn yesterday to feed and awoke a red shouldered hawk. I told him to be useful as I have been seeing far too many rats. I have to be more mindful of the chickens as the winter brings some vacationing hawks.
Kookaburras! Can't wait to see a picture of one of those
(Now I have that old song about them stuck in my head, lol.)

I didn't have that song, until you mentioned it,,,Thanks!!

I don't get Herons here, but I do get a lot of Sand Hill cranes. I try to run them off though as I worry about Avian Flu from them.
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