calling any one from missouri

Our mailbox, across the road, is flanked by century plants (is that the right name?) They are blooming and quite striking. Planted by Mother Nature, not by the man who owns the hay meadow there, they are on the right of way. We enjoy the view from our front porch...
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They look so nicely spaced out that I would never have guessed that Mother Nature planted them!
I'm wearing a jacket this morning!!!

I also accidentally ran over a snake w lawn mower a couple weeks ago. It felt like I hit something big and hard and I immediately stopped the mower. I felt bad when I saw what it was, a huge black snake.
Much worse, this morning, DH came in from brush cutting, all upset, saying he ran over and chopped up a tiny fawn. He was hoarse from yelling and swearing at the Universe. :hitThe grass in the pasture and the lawn is so thick from so much rain that you can't see anything hiding in it.
SueT give your husband an extra hug for me. That had to be very upsetting. 😢
Our mailbox, across the road, is flanked by century plants (is that the right name?) They are blooming and quite striking. Planted by Mother Nature, not by the man who owns the hay meadow there, they are on the right of way. We enjoy the view from our front porch...
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I just call them yuccas... in fact I’m a lot of fun to drive anywhere with this time of year because every time I see one bloomed I say “Yucca, Yucca!” ... because it’s bad luck not to do so 😉

Eventually my wife is gonna snap one of these days and I’ll just go missing, because of stuff like that, lol
More orange-ness for today... these are double asiatic lilies... the adventuresome due was checking it for bugs

More orange-ness for today... these are double asiatic lilies... the adventuresome due was checking it for bugs

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Uh-huh. How much do you charge per bulb? I'll take half a dozen of these and also the other ones I mistakenly called tiger lilies, please. 🤣🤣🤣
@jthornton I butchered my 13 month old meat chicken last night. Wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to make it. She weighed 14.2 pounds before dressing her out. I’ll check later to see what the weight was of usable meat. She was filled with a lot of fat. I kept think that it was a shame I wasn’t going to use all that fat for something. 🧐
I have 6 more to butcher but they are no where near that old!! They are more in the 10 week old range. 🤣
We did get eggs from the one I just butchered but we hadn’t gotten any in a while. I think it was because she had too much fat in her. But I could be wrong. She did still have some eggs in her. 🤷‍♀️
I just call them yuccas... in fact I’m a lot of fun to drive anywhere with this time of year because every time I see one bloomed I say “Yucca, Yucca!” ... because it’s bad luck not to do so 😉

Eventually my wife is gonna snap one of these days and I’ll just go missing, because of stuff like that, lol

also, I’ve heard some folks around here call yuccas ‘ghost cactus’s’

because at night the white blooms look like ghosts floating above the ground in the head lights as you pass by old homesteads, etc...

Its said that it’s bad luck to cut them down near old places because you’d get haunted by whoever planted them 😉
Uh-huh. How much do you charge per bulb? I'll take half a dozen of these and also the other ones I mistakenly called tiger lilies, please. 🤣🤣🤣

It’ll cost ya!

the little double my wife bought a potted one at a garden center last year and a mole/vole got it right off, so she ordered a bag of bulbs online somewhere

my Mom gave me the other ones from a bed she took out... at here house because she needed more room for peppers and tomatoes, lol
the copperhead I was not upset about at all ... a black snake I’d be kicking myself about a bit... but like JT I don’t like them around my little chickens... so sometimes I have made one dead if it’s in a spot that won’t allow catching and removing...

the fawn I’d be upset over too though... Unfortunately those things happen...

I was cutting brush last week and was worried I’d run over a critter... like you said all the rain made it hard to get to till now, and made it is so thick... but I was lucky
Here it's dodging frogs trying to mow. I hate to run over one.
Especially toads.
I just call them yuccas... in fact I’m a lot of fun to drive anywhere with this time of year because every time I see one bloomed I say “Yucca, Yucca!” ... because it’s bad luck not to do so 😉

Eventually my wife is gonna snap one of these days and I’ll just go missing, because of stuff like that, lol
I should know by now not to eat or drink while reading anything you have to say.
I have a piece of cinnamon raisin bread lodged in my wind pipe now
Thank you very much.
also, I’ve heard some folks around here call yuccas ‘ghost cactus’s’

because at night the white blooms look like ghosts floating above the ground in the head lights as you pass by old homesteads, etc...

Its said that it’s bad luck to cut them down near old places because you’d get haunted by whoever planted them 😉
I have some over on our back lot by the old condemned house.
They do look kinda spooky and ghost like at night!

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