calling any one from missouri

After seeing the happy playground @SueT provided I had to cobble up something quick for my girls to at least go outside if they wanted.

In a last ditch effort to allow them some outside time until I can come up with a larger area I cobbled up the portable dog pen with some dunnage and milk crates to get it up high enough then used a couple of one hole straps to fasten it to the wall.

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You're so creative!
WOW just thinking about May 1st and bringing the Cinnamon Queen Chicks home to 45°F Coop and scrambling around like a mad man trying to heat up the coop before taking them out of my hot van and today 5 1/2 weeks later the forecast for today is 94°F!


It felt like it ... had to use DH's car today to run an errand, mine is too small for the job I had to do ... and his has NO A/C, gack! Have appt for tomorrow to get it fixed in PB. Today was not the day to have no A/C! Fortunately I did not have to go far.
We only got a smidgeon of rain.
I found this turtle crossing the road this morning. It's about a foot long. I call it a red slider, not sure if that is correct. I don't usually see them away from water.
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It's a beauty, and looks pretty good sized also. Haven't seen any of those, usually just the box turtles.
Ooooh, true tiger lilies... not the common day lily my late MIL called tiger lilies. So pretty!

weeeeell... actually those are asiatic lilies (Lilium auratum) ...

This is a true tiger lily (Lilium lancifol)... it just bloomed yesterday

unfortunately the ones I have aren’t as orangy as I’d like... but I did acquire a couple new ones that are supposed to be better color ...

I forgot where I planted them at the moment, but they should be blooming soon

I call the common orange day lilies “ditch lilies” 😉 ... I’m looking forward to them blooming soon too
weeeeell... actually those are asiatic lilies (Lilium auratum) ...

This is a true tiger lily (Lilium lancifol)... it just bloomed yesterday
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unfortunately the ones I have aren’t as orangy as I’d like... but I did acquire a couple new ones that are supposed to be better color ...

I forgot where I planted them at the moment, but they should be blooming soon

I call the common orange day lilies “ditch lilies” 😉 ... I’m looking forward to them blooming soon too
That is gorgeous.
I don't think mine have survived the dogs.
I was pretty surprised when I opened the lid to the composter to toss in some coffee grounds...
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I normally leave black snakes alone as they kill mice and rats but this guy was spotted yesterday under the new coop and has been seen before on my deck. Just too close for me and my chicks... it was about 4-5' long.
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I caught one on the back steps a couple weeks ago and put him in the woods ... I nearly ran over it with the mower the other day, but stopped in time to let it shoot off into the woods...

think I saw it again today on the road when I went to get the mail... but I had these two little adventurers following along with me, so we kept our distance, for the safety of the snake of course 😉


I did accidentally kill a copper headed snake with the mower when I chopped up some leaves the other day
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