calling any one from missouri

Woke up in the middle of the night and it looked like I had multiple strobe lights in my room o.o it was storming sooo hard, wind blowing and lightening was striking from all directions. Goats destroyed there house to get out and get under ours 🤣😅😒🤬
Wow! We got a good rain this afternoon, thanking God for it. Might be too little, too late to save my lilies for this year though.
I've had four so far. Speckled Sussexes and Marans. Took another one off the nest tonight. This heat seems to trigger them, but I've never had an EE go broody. The more I try other breeds, the more I love my EEs!
Come to think of it, I can't remember any of my EEs that have gone broody either. Sexlinks and Australorps, yes...and even Coturnix quail. But not an EE.
This one's mother and grandmother would go broody several times a year. This is her first time. She's a barnyard mix of several American gamefowl lines, miniature American gamefowl, saipan jungle fowl and Dominique. I could easily have other broody hens around here somewhere as I don't use a coop and don't exactly know how many chickens I even have lol
This one's mother and grandmother would go broody several times a year. This is her first time. She's a barnyard mix of several American gamefowl lines, miniature American gamefowl, saipan jungle fowl and Dominique. I could easily have other broody hens around here somewhere as I don't use a coop and don't exactly know how many chickens I even have lol
No coop? Where do your chickens sleep at night? And, er ... when you gather eggs, how do you know if they are fresh?
I’m still waiting on a broody so that we can hatch a few eggs this year—I have 3 hens who have always been regular compulsive broodies. Now it’s the end of June, and no one wants to be a mom. I’ll wait, because I want to keep a hen raised cockerel— to be the understudy for current rooster just in case. I feel that the imprinting on the hen rather than on humans is an important factor in a good rooster.

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