calling any one from missouri

Saaweeeeeeeet! I've got an odd pair. She's African, he's Tolous. I've heard African ganders can be pretty agressive.
Mr T. is a big sweetie - demands petting and attention, lets me know if the lil pool needs refilling (he breaks out and comes looking for me to let me know). She's kept back by him for the most part - HIS woman! She's brooding right now so looking forward to some more honkers. Like them. Hope you enjoy your's as well.
hi I am in warsaw mo. down by Truman Lake we have 4 cow and 4 babies and 1 bull and 14 guineas and over a 100 eggs they should start hatching any day of f course not all the same time my hens did not start broody at the same even through they are all in the same nest my first year so learning as I go every on BYC
has beeen so helpful and very nice Sue (peanut) oh yes two dogs
hi I am in warsaw mo. down by Truman Lake we have 4 cow and 4 babies and 1 bull and 14 guineas and over a 100 eggs they should start hatching any day of f course not all the same time my hens did not start broody at the same even through they are all in the same nest my first year so learning as I go every on BYC
has beeen so helpful and very nice Sue (peanut) oh yes two dogs

Welcome Welcome!!
Don't think any of us ever stop learning -
unless deliberate choice to insist all is known. *snort* .

People that don't put any of thier own effort into the process can wear thin but believe about everybody has been gifted with help from others along the way.
Turn around and pass it on!

There are always bad eggs - do what you do with bad eggs.
Toss 'em and listen for the keepers.

100 eggs. Wow! You're gonna be busy! What are you going to do with them all?
I have a lady that wants a lot of them and one down the road that just wants a few not sure exactly how many she wants said she would take all I have sure hope because I don't need any more should have done my research a lot earlier HAHA I love the ones I have and looking forward to the hatch letting the hens do the work. sure did not know how manny eggs they lay once again should have done my homework, wanted them for tick eating maybe I do need more still have ticks
but sure do appreciate all the help every one has given me did you go to JC wanted to go but it did not work out maybe next time peanut
Wow, we got two, possibly three, broody hens hatching out mabe 16 eggs. You are going to have your hands full. Welcome to BYC. You will learn more and teach plenty while you are here. Hopefully you stay it seems lime it will never not be tight knit. I know I been here for a little bit and I always come back.
Glad every1 that went seemed to have a good time at JC. To far for me to justify to anyone but me. Maybe if I had a LOAD of birds to sell I could justify it. This fall? Maybe I'll have to see what I have and what I can do without then. Prolly to many to have and not enough to do without. Then again if I have 50% with guineas, and 6 hens........ Thats alot of guineas. Since ATM roughly 135ish cooking in bator and with 1 broody. A hen DID lay an egg in the coop today. I left HOPING she does again. Would make my life alot easier right now.
BA mama is having issues with babies pipping then getting eggs crushed. Think she has 8 good eggs left and 1 live baby. Hoping for more but IDK. Have some male sexlinks I can try to foster if it goes bad. Or Sat have some eggs hatching.
Did a repair job on a peck hole from a shipped egg. Of all things, with Tacky glue. Seems to be developing fine, better than others I'd say. We'll see Sat. But man they have some BAD saddles going on. Still movement inside though. Maybe my luck will hold out. Maybe I need another power outage
. Seems to bring my numbers UP. I am backwards from every othe human hatching eggs. Maybe its the meds, or lack of.

Gonna let Waddles try setting on a nest if she will. Have her nst behind the garage this time. Close so I can keep eyes/ears on her. She been a laying machine this year. About 2 months straight egg a day. Would be her 1st setting too since just have gotten her drake.

And all else seems to be going well. Did 3 meaties tonight. I MUCH prefer to skin them. This time I even saved the wings.
Yeah I skin them too. I was totally. Bummed that I didn't make it to JC this year for the first bit Hoping to make it in the fall too. If all goes well I will have some homemade Cherokee D bows made from hickory to sell while I am there. Just a little luck is all I need but would sure be fun. Selling one would make it worth the trip and then some. All the rest would be straight profit.
There is always Oct you 2. I have already talked hubby into going! Not sure if I will have anything to sell, but the fellowship with other "chicken" people was so worth it for me. Hubby needs to learn there are men out there that love to hatch too! Acre I didnt walk around much but when I did all I saw was adult guineas, no keets. Everyone knows how hard it is to get an adult to call your place home. I bet you could sell every keet you have! Big thing, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CAGE, to display your birds. People there walk and look, and birds catch their eyes quickly!

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