calling any one from missouri

My EEs have started ..... so happy,my first green/blue egg

without flash :

with flash:

2nd one
(without flash):

Wow! Didn't double post that last time but wiped out the letters! Wierd science!

Anyway, these hatched this weekend. Choc/mauve silkied Ameracaunas project. Can't tell what color the splashes are and until feathering can't tell if feathers will be silkied - but check out the eyebrows on the dark lil guy!
Wow! Didn't double post that last time but wiped out the letters! Wierd science!

Anyway, these hatched this weekend. Choc/mauve silkied Ameracaunas project. Can't tell what color the splashes are and until feathering can't tell if feathers will be silkied - but check out the eyebrows on the dark lil guy!
So excited. I don't post much but I had to share the news. I went to a fellow chicken friends house today and came home with 2 SQ blue slate turkey poults, 4 lavender guinea, 5 brahma chicks, 9 Swedish flower hen hatching eggs, 12 lemon cuckoo orpington hatching eggs, and 25 lavender orpington hatching eggs. Woo hoo.I cant help it, its chicken math. If I would have had more cages and boxes I probably would have left with more.

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