calling any one from missouri

I woke to at least 5 inches on the ground already! We are supposed to get up to 10! I am so done with the snow!!!!!

On a happy note. I have fertile cochin eggs in the bator! Mottled, Columbian and Mille Fleurs
I was going to set eggs today but for fear of a power outage I'm waiting till tomorrow.
Right now it is a wet snow and very heavy, It's supposed to continue all night. Good chance of an outage.
Catastrophe diverted... Placed my 7 week olds out in my breeder pen last night and right as the snow started to fall their lightbulb blew out. I had to take a drive to orshelns to get a few more brooder lamps to keep the poor little things warm until mother nature wants to start spring here.
We have about 4" average here in Monroe County. My laying pullets are just 5 weeks and rapidly outgrowing their brooder box, but they're not going out to the bigger pen until next week due to the storm (we don't have electricity out there). Then we start all over again with meat birds....
Catastrophe diverted... Placed my 7 week olds out in my breeder pen last night and right as the snow started to fall their lightbulb blew out. I had to take a drive to orshelns to get a few more brooder lamps to keep the poor little things warm until mother nature wants to start spring here.
My 7 week olds haven't had any heat for a week, but they've been outside since they hatched.
We just hit 10 inches at my house at 5 o'clock. We seem to be half way through the storm. It's supposed to lighten up but it is a white out here now and the wind is picking up. Branches are coming out of the trees.
We are at 10 inches also and it is still coming down, we are in lonedell, I was in desoto at around 2pm today and they did not have as much as we had at that time.
So much for spring. Atleast they have been doing pretty good out here clearing the roads and pre treating.

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