calling any one from missouri

Errrrhhhmmmm we're all in Missouri here

Whole state is drowned rats, bedraggled birds and slop right now.

Just walk outside and I'm mudd'n!

Have to hike or roll my pants up before I go in runs.
Yeeeecccchhhhhh! C'mon sun!!!!

Another chickie neighbor met today. They just happened to have some FBCM from Bev Davis and Wade Jean set these right along with the CCLB's today. Bit over exposed - can tell from the carton color.

People picking up the WJG roo and my 3 sex link hens so I can move over and consolidate all the RIR's and BR's into the layer coop and run - freeing up a nice tight safe breeding pen and run for all the CCM's freeing up my grow out pen for all these new babies!

I'm gonna OD with chicken joy here!
It was sunny here most of the day and it was so nice!! I hope the sun sticks around for a while to dry up some of this mud!

My chicks have colds... Put them on duramyacin tonight. Anyone had experience with that? Lol! I think if you have chicks you experience it at least once!
Well this is day 3 for my Tolbunts. I put 15 in, no detached aircells , and I believe 10 confirmed fertile, 5 unsure but will wait till day 7 to candle again. I usually dont candle till day 4 for the first time, but I was so excited I couldnt wait!!!!!

I dont think I have ever seen colds on any of my chicks. I moved my Easter hatched chickies out to the baby coop today. I had to throw 3 flakes of hay to dry up the mud in the run. They are a mix of my now laying bunch of girls. The hens watched them with a lot of curiosity. They can see them in the run and they can see them in their coop. But the babies are protected by welded wire covered in chicken wire. The whole run is enclosed so they are safe from owls and hawks during the day. They really seemed to like being outside.
^^^^ SAAAAAAAweeeeeeeeeet!

Dry and 80's for 3 days - and then 4 days of rain - AGAIN!
Less chickens Noah and more Ark!

Know my birds were soaking up the sun and wallowing in it.
Had to sit out and enjoy it for awhile myself.
Picking off ticks every since. Some birds better get busy!
I know how you feel! I enjoyed today and will enjoy the next few days. I would like a nice break from the rain to get the garden worked up!
I know how you feel!  I enjoyed today and will enjoy the next few days.  I would like a nice break from the rain to get the garden worked up! :barnie

I agree, its just too bad I didn't have the whole weekend to add to the run. We figured it out and the runs going to be huge when I am finally satisfied with it. Each new section will add 7x7x7. So far only two sections but next one to be erected this weekend and so on till its done. All in all there willbe 14 of them.
I agree, its just too bad I didn't have the whole weekend to add to the run. We figured it out and the runs going to be huge when I am finally satisfied with it. Each new section will add 7x7x7. So far only two sections but next one to be erected this weekend and so on till its done. All in all there willbe 14 of them.
how many hens are you planning in each 7x7?

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