calling any one from missouri

I am the guy that is interested in your Delaware flock but can't see getting any more chicks this summer. The "Chicken Math virus" has bitten me, I think it is worse than Lyme
Like tater chips ain't it?

I was planning on some nice orps down the road. If it's a shorter road than envisioned......
Fate, Karma, Destiny... why fight it?
I have New Hampshires, Barred Rocks, Delawares, and Imported Orps (blue and black). I may have a few chocolate Orps, too.
I would be over in a
heartbeat if I lived in Missouri....such nice stock!!!
But alas I am in AZ...Drag! I hope many will seize this grand opportunity to purchase some fine birds
from you, Kathy!!

That's right, Edencamp! Why fight it? Lol!!!

My DH told me to write out a plan on how much breeding will cost and how much mulah I expect to make... Ummmmmm.... I just want them!!! I was petting the ducks and thinking about the pond my dh wants to build for the 3 we have and thought 'if we're going that far, I want swans!!!!' He just said 'how much taking care of do they need?' Lol!

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