calling any one from missouri

Just love those blue eggs
From what chicken
I need to find some hatching eggs
HELP. Oma:fl

Where are you? I'm between Jefferson City and Eugene. I'm hoping to have some some EE's hatching the last week of March. I can't guarnatee blue eggs but you will get some green layers (the girls I hatched last year are laying green even though they came from blue eggs so the rooster has some brown egg genes in him). Anyway, I really don't need any chicks and will probably sell these.

I pray they are the real thing i brought them from a breeder I had been to before. If I don't get pretty blue eggs I won't go back there. Looking at the pictures on here they match well I have 2hens with white bodies and black head and a few black shoulder feathers. Just black and white I am waiting for the first egg I wish I could find closed flocks :rolleyes:
Hello, Missouri. I will be moving some whare in the next 12 mo. I just need out oa Phx, Az. What I am looking for is a yes to chickens and roosters, fishing and hunting. I found a place out side of Vienna. Is anyone formiler with the area? I assume the standard line up of predictors. The area is about 15 miles north and west. I lived in St. Louis when a kids, in the 60's, and Gas light Square was the place to go. Left just before its decline.

I have a small flock of 10 girls, 1 bee hive, and at this time 1 small dog, better know end as fast food delivery to the coyotes, bob cats and mountain lions.

I don't live in Vienna or close by but go thru there to get to Jeff City Its pretty open country there. and very small town Cattle area mostly id say never seen many other animals out that way doubt there are restrictions on animals or hunting too much if you arent in the little town ..mostly land and not housing Seems Might be hilly though out there.
I go highway 63 thru Vienna which is on top of a ridge I guess youd say the whole length of 63 almost runs up on the ridge looks out for miles and miles up there but down back roads not sure what its like
Closest big towns are Jeff City of 70 or Rolla on 44 Id guess 20 -30 miles away. a few other small towns spaced 10 miles or so apart there toward Jeff City . Fishing i dont know about at all. there
Not super far from the Lake of the Ozarks I dont think maybe 45 minutes? Not for sure that's right but think so. Hope it help a little .
If you are interested..... looking for PURE Amercauna eggs I have PURE Lavender Amercaunas that lay blue eggs EVERY TIME. Will have eggs hatching eggs available in about a month or 6 weeks .Wont ship chicks but can hatch some for ppl if they for sure are going to take them
.Heres a picture. of one egg. They aren't real dark blue.
I just have 2 hens pure ones .... then 2 EEs with pure Amercauna father . the lightest guy in the pic ..... These 2 girls lay green eggs Added pic of the 2 roos also.
DArker roo will be the father of any eggs of these hens.Sold the lighter guy.
I live in SE MO one hour south from St Louis in Bonne Terre MO.
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IM looking for CAT DANCE silkies or hatching eggs..... in Mo Dont care what color
Prefer southern Mo but can be any place in Mo
i dont want them shipped want to pickup.Am willing to travel and meet someone at or near there home and if you have them a pic of your hen or hens or roo would be welcome
YOu can probably find them at feed stores right now
.Near us is in Festus near STL Buckeits south Mo but don't know how far they have stores Got mine there 2 years ago.Not real pretty hens little scrawny and all the rest of my chickens are huge ....I have mostly English Orps and Brahmas though My Buffs are real friendly though like a dog.Wouldnt part with them!
Private seller probably be better.. for a nicer look .
Picked up 6 today at Orschlen's. They are so little!

Orscheln's Ameracauna's are Easter Eggers. They get them from Este's Hatchery, who sells them as Ameracauna. But don't despair, they lay beautiful eggs too.

I got 4 of their "Ameraucana's" along with 2 Silver laced Wyandottes and a Brown Leghorn. This is what my Ameracauna's look like. And these are the colors they lay.

The brown and white eggs are from the Wyandottes and Leghorn. The blue egg is laid by the white EE in the lineup.

This is what they looked like when they were chicks (same order). They sure do change a lot.

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Here's out new coop.

Here are our new silver laced pullets.

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