calling any one from missouri

Whats scarry is that you knew it had a well for water, up here there arent very many places that have well water any more! Aroun here you have to do research on your inspectors, my small town all the inspector's, real estate agents, and appraiser's talk to eachother, my be illegal but you gotta have proof! I've already experiamced what its like with my last house that i did a VA guarentee on, basically turned into a breach of contract.
that sounds pretty good... can you show a picture of the set up?

I recently put on the plastic lid and punched a small hole in the cap to let air in, I will fill with garden hose instead of a bucket.

I used a washing machine hose to connect the bucket with the pipe.

I hung the pipe on the fence to prevent roosting on the pipe.

I tried to show the plumbing parts in this photo.
Whow, where do you live that property is going for 5k an acre?

We have property for sale around us 164 acres for something like 290k asking price and not far from us a beautiful converted Amish farm house, modernized on 30 acres for 369k. There are out buildings and shops galore on it and it it sits off the road.
I'm in the far north suburbs and it's one of the less expensive areas to live but there is an overpriced open field for sale next to me with no improvements. It's just under 4 acres and has been for sale since before I moved here. That's almost 20 years. They were originally asking 110k and now they're asking 200k. I hope it never sells. It's nice not having anyone living next to me.

We're an hour north of kc in BFE where i35 and i36 meet, around here if you're buying less than 50 acres you're talkin 5k an acre and a rickity house were looking at a small 3bed 1bath 2 story on 5 acres and they want 66k, but im scared of an as is sale. If the agent would ever call me back
That's pretty pricey property up that way. I lived in Liberty for about a year. A lot of people I worked with lived around Kearny, Excelsior Springs and Smithville. They had some expensive places.

I have well water. City water is nasty
Many cities have bad tasting water. We're lucky in that regard. A few years ago at a conference of mayors from around the country they all tasted each other's water. In the blind taste test they all voted St. Louis as having the best tasting water in the country.
I would have hated to have tasted some of that nasty water though.

I recently put on the plastic lid and punched a small hole in the cap to let air in, I will fill with garden hose instead of a bucket.

I used a washing machine hose to connect the bucket with the pipe.

I hung the pipe on the fence to prevent roosting on the pipe.

I tried to show the plumbing parts in this photo.
Is that system for horizontal or vertical nipples?
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At that price I doubt if you have much to worry about when it comes to it selling.

Goodness. When we left IL the going price for prime farm land there in the area where we lived was 15,000 per acre and higher. Even at that price farmers and investors were snapping it up like free M&Ms.

I know many people would prefer well water but I grew up in the country where my family's water supply was from an artesian well/aquifer. The water was wonderful until the day when a flash flood washed all sorts of field chemical residue and corral crap from my horses into it then it was over two weeks of trailering water from town in order to water horses and for every day use. Then there were things like the well pump and the tank pump needing replaced, 3,000 dollars and the main line from the well to the house rupturing, another 1500 dollars and the wiring to the pump rubbing on the housing and shorting out almost knocking me on my butt one day when I turned on the outside faucet. Lastly, without fluoride in the water, we were always prone to tooth decay when we were growing up. Those costs were back in the 70s. I'd hate to think what they would be with today's prices.

Our water now is some of the best I've enjoyed. It doesn't leave residue on dishes, it tastes good and the prices are reasonable. I'll take it over well water any day.
At that price I doubt if you have much to worry about when it comes to it selling.

Goodness. When we left IL the going price for prime farm land there in the area where we lived was 15,000 per acre and higher. Even at that price farmers and investors were snapping it up like free M&Ms.
I was shocked at the price. It has no water, electric or sewer. Though the first 2 aren't that far away. The first time I asked about the price (when I thought about buying it), I asked why so much. He said he did a lot of engineering. What? Draw some lines on a map?
The zoning calls for 1 acre lots minimum on this side of the road. He got a variance to allow for .7 acre lots to make a 9 lot subdivision counting my property. Then he sold this house. Then someone bought the remaining property from him and tried to get a new variance to allow 1/8 acre lots. That would have had 16 houses butted against mine.
The city sent out 2 notices to all the neighboring property owners about the hearing for the rezoning. Apparently, someone pulled those notices from all mailboxes since I nor my neighbors received them. Thankfully, the residents that attended the meeting voted it down. That reverted the property to the original zoning of 1 acre minimum.
The original seller advertised it as 4 acres. However, he drew the line at the middle of the road to come up with 4 acres so actually, now one can only build 3 houses there.
He's a huge shyster and nephew of the owners of one of the biggest mortgage companies in town.

When I was a kid, we had a 100 acre farm near Fredericktown, MO. The property across the road from us was scrub oak and rock. They wanted $50 an acre. It didn't seem worth it at the time. I wish I had bought it in retrospect. I could have recouped the cost and more just from the surface granite boulders.
we bought our land 5 years ago our and it was under 1k an acre ... all hardwoods.. we have 2 springs that meet and a ram pump for fresh water.. the constant pinging drives us crazy.. some of us lol... we have cleared a couple acres and cleaned the springs.. I am positive our property is worth much much more now

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