calling any one from missouri

My issue is im very cheap, and want a water way/creek and plenty of trees, i can have a pond cut later. We have no mature growth up here as loggers came through about 10 years ago. And dont take this the wrong way, i am in no way shape or form talking down on Mormons, they're all great people around here, but any time theres a deal on land up here, they buy it before i can even get to walk the property. My half brother is taking over his great uncles farm in the next few years, and I've got him keeping a look out for properties for sale out by him since i can have someone take up the hay until we decide to expand, but there isn't a lot of anything for sale around here. Even real estate agents are running out of good listings.

On another note though, i had to cull a bad rooster last night and at least i got the right one, wouldnt know for sure until i threw a little scratch and saw him watch out for his girls.
I've got a bunch for sale right now - rather not ship with the heat.

[COLOR=666666]Orps, Marans, Layer, Ameraucana -EE, Muscovy 4 Sale - Crocker 65452[/COLOR][COLOR=666666]
[/COLOR][COLOR=666666]NPIP & AI Clean - just retested 7/10.[/COLOR]

Yeah the heats pretty rough for awhile here too. But I also don't use bookface either, i leave it to my better half to waste time on there. Kinda bad for an IT manager i know, but i found the drama is so much less when people ask me if i saw what someone posted, i can just say nope and don't care.
I resisted for years. Still don't have a personal page. Small town living everybody's nose is up your biz - why on earth take out a billboard ??
I post the gist on my ad on here as far as what I put up. But I hear ya - felt the same way about having a home PC when I worked in IT. Resisted for years. Same with a cell phone - sometimes I LIKE not being found/disturbed/reached out to.
Same here. People seem puzzled by our lack of interest in facebook and we have 1 cell phone that usually is dead because we forget to plug it in.Oops.

We delt with the public professionally for years and that included lots of time one the phone and I hate talking on the phone to this day. Face to face is fine and we do have as website we use but we control that and how much info we put out there about our personal lives. It's better that way IMHO.
I'm with you guys! People don't understand that I enjoy some quiet solitude. I'll be outdoors hanging with the ducks just puttering about and I'll come in to text messages galore. "Where are you?" "I've been trying for 2 hours." I get back to them and it's nothing that can't wait. Sheesh!
We live in Southwest Missouri just a little north and east of Springfield. We own just shy of 6 acres and have a couple of pigs, bees, and am getting some chickens sometime this month.
I get to set traps tonight, have some lil bandits trying to dig under my coop. Thankfully they havent noticed that i didnt finish my fence yet. I was hoping that there was enough food out i wouldn't have to worry about it until fall. I may just go ahead and do an electric fence, seeing that ive collected a few miles taking fence down for people around here.

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