calling any one from missouri

The thing is they are all coming around different times, and in different spots, about every 3 days the egg is in the same spot again. I just cant see a chicken laying in 3 diff spots in 3 days. Also I had an egg Wednesday laid between 2-3pm, and there was one at 7am on Thursday. Yesterday I had a nice big pullet egg at 10am, and then at 3pm had a brand new baby pullet egg, I'm talking smaller than a pullet EE. But I'm to the point with them being diff day's and getting the same patterns on the eggs every 3 days, other than the new one yesterday, I think I may be up to 4 starters, and them being on a weird starter 3 day cycle with this heat. Either way, I know since Thursday morning I definitely have 2 layers. But If my theory is correct, by tomorrow I should know for sure as we have a break in the heat wave for a few days, so I may just end up with 4 eggs today, who knows.

Rain's not so bad up here in the NW, in the past 2 days we've only had .5in, but then again, just north of me they had 8in last week in one night. I check the gauge religiously. My fiance said I'm turning
to soon.

Edit: And another thing, the hens that are laying are popping them out on the floor, but my non laying hens are up in the nesting boxes testing them out and moving the straw all around, no poop in them so they're not sleeping in them. Guess the saying true though, chickens will drowned in the rain just by looking up.
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Quote: "Hi. We live in syouth central Mo. Texas county. New to byc.Anybody else from Texas county?"

I'll be not too far away soon. Currently, closing is scheduled for Aug. 25 on new property in Couch, Mo, Oregon county. That's where we want to start our new flock of chickens. Planning on starting with bantam or FS Ameraucanas. ;)
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