calling any one from missouri

We have Buff Orpingtons that are just starting to lay, one Lavender Orpington named Lily, a Speckled Sussex hen named Speckles and Welsummers for a grand total of 13 hens and 5 roosters. I'm trying to rehome two Buff O roos, one definitely needs turned into Sunday dinner by somebody and the other just needs a home and hens to call his own. Strange thing about the two Bachelor birds is that they both appear to be rumpless at 23 weeks. No tails. They look a bit strange but unique.
We have Buff Orpingtons that are just starting to lay, one Lavender Orpington named Lily, a Speckled Sussex hen named Speckles and Welsummers for a grand total of 13 hens and 5 roosters. I'm trying to rehome two Buff O roos, one definitely needs turned into Sunday dinner by somebody and the other just needs a home and hens to call his own. Strange thing about the two Bachelor birds is that they both appear to be rumpless at 23 weeks. No tails. They look a bit strange but unique.
are they pulling each others out? Oooh envy , I want to add a couple of lavender pullets and a top next year or later this year if I can find some a couple of months old as I am not set up for chicks
Nope, don't think they are doing any tail pulling on one another. I had to pull these two boys from the flock as they were trying to kill the two Welsummer roosters. It was pretty incredible to see. They were literally ganging up on one of them at a time, cornering them and beating the snot out of them. One ended up with injured hocks that now make him walk slightly bow legged. Surprisingly enough he has risen to the lofty position of Alpha male even with his not too straight legs. The Welsummers never fought back with them until later when I separated them from the flock and then built a small pen inside the main run for them. One day they got into the main run and there was a 5 rooster free for all going on until I got a chance to dive in and separate them. It was impressive as nobody got killed, just scratched up combs and wattles.

Our lavender is a pullet and a big girl. I mean, really big. She is only about 18 weeks old and she is taller than our Buff O rooster. All the boys are keeping an eye on her but she sees them looking at her and runs for the coop.

Smart girl.

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