calling any one from missouri

It's windy but not that windy...
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We watched that storm system pass south and east of us with constant lightning. It stretched all the way from down in OK to Stockton MO as it moved NE. We had stars overhead, it was surreal. There was another diagonal line of storms north and west, parallel to the other. We were in between. Did any of you get these storms?
We had a little possum come thru the cat door a couple nights ago. He was trying to get the cat food down near the doorway. We chased him out and I was hoping we scared him enuf to keep him away.
But last night around 1 a.m. I heard noises, got up, and he was on the kitchen table! I went to the other room and grabbed a pair of welders gloves we use for the woodstove. He was still on the table (eating apples) when I returned. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and he immediately played possum but his tail was wrapped around a lamp and I had to unwrap it. I should have put him in a cat carrier while he was paralyzed, but I threw him out the door. I'll have to set a trap. This possum is very small, half the size of our cats.
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