calling any one from missouri

I wish my garden had drowned🙄 the deer ate everything. Literally. I won’t get a bite of corn this year.

Hey! I have a question for y’all. Does anyone know any body who sells Call ducks in MO? I have been looking everywhere but can’t find a single one. So frustrating.
I know one lady in MO that has call ducks but she’s sorta whackadoodle and hangs out with a hound dog who lets flys in the house, 😝

( I’m referring to @shawluvsbirds … she’ll be back on here after she gets done swatting flys, lol)
I know one lady in MO that has call ducks but she’s sorta whackadoodle and hangs out with a hound dog who lets flys in the house, 😝

( I’m referring to @shawluvsbirds… she’ll be back on here after she gets done swatting flys, lol)
I didn’t realize Shaw had call ducks. 🤣 love that description. Fits perfect.
Okay since we talking pets and bugs… here’s my PSA for all of you Missouri people with cats…

we just went through a week of having a very sick cat, due to a tick bite, and a very nasty disease called “Cytauxzoonosis”

we used frontline on our cats, but they still get bit with that… so we’re looking at a different solution going forward …

but this disease is pretty much a death sentence without medical treatment, and even with treatment it’s only 40-60% treatable

We caught it really early, but our cat was still given only a 50/50 chance… he was at the vet for 8 days , and for about 6 of those it could have gone either way… and while he was in there another cat that came in with the same thing died in just a few days

fortunately ours survived and he’s back home today, but our bank account came away bleeding 🙄

anyway… we’d never heard of it before this… and didn’t realize the risk… so I thought I’d pass along the ‘heads up’
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I wish my garden had drowned🙄 the deer ate everything. Literally. I won’t get a bite of corn this year.

Hey! I have a question for y’all. Does anyone know any body who sells Call ducks in MO? I have been looking everywhere but can’t find a single one. So frustrating.

They aren’t selling call ducks right now. 😞
Um.. helllooowwwww 🤪 😂

I got 12 grow outs for sale right now. Lol. They are pet quality, possibly breeder. Nothing too showy. They are darn cute though.

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