calling any one from missouri

It’s a sunny 19 degrees here.

Sun finally came out here too and it's 29°F at the moment.

For the last few weeks I've been feeding an elusive and evasive cat by the wood pile. Every now and then I'd get a glimpse of her and I'd take that as an opportunity to speak to her. Well this morning I finally passed the trustworthy test #1.

This is Woody III
We survived the snow and cold, but are glad for warmer weather this week. We got about 10" in in St. Charles County, maybe a foot. Worse yet, the internet started giving us trouble as soon as it started raining. Horses are not used to being kept inside during days, so they were not happy either. Ducks were happy as usual.

I feed the wild birds at 4 feeding spots around the farm. Must have had 50 Cardinals out there many of the times I looked out. It was magical!

Best part was the dogs didn't fight me to come inside. Well, the Shiba Inu still stayed out longer than the rest, but he came in without me having to chase him inside LOL

If anyone likes Labradors, there's a beautiful male at the Eldon, MO pound. I'll take some photos. We are supposed to go there Tuesday to adopt a female short haired Border Collie. She really reminds me of our current female Border Collie. Poor things have sat there for months and are very adoptable, but nobody is adopting dogs right now. I'm going to talk to them about sending them up to the APA or Five Acres Shelters. They would be adopted there quickly.
What a cutie! Will you be keeping her?

I miss having a kitty around. I’m not actively in the market for one, but if one showed up I wouldn’t turn it away. For now, it’s just my chicken herding Toy Aussie & 17 chickens.
They have a way of showing up....
Here’s Kippy who was dropped out of a car window as a tiny kitten and was so afraid of us we couldn’t get near him for 6 months...we had to set down the food and skedaddle. Now he steals my chair! 9707E77D-476E-4352-A56B-1E7DAC2BD389.jpeg
Here’s Ollie who came to the back door as a youngster and said, I live here now. I love you all! And he instantly made himself at home:

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And they are best buddies.... also there’s a 13 yr old female cat who doesn’t like either of them, she was abandoned here too.
What a cutie! Will you be keeping her?
When I get things sorted out she will be spayed and become a shop cat perhaps. She follows me around like a puppy now and goes in all the shops. I put a litter box in the machine shop but she didn't seem to know what it was like Woody I. Woody II was always and outdoor cat and very feral until I got her spayed...


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