calling any one from missouri

We only got 1/2” of rain from the storm system, most of it was south and east of us. How are the rest of you faring?
Well I'm south and east of you lol I can confirm it's very very rainy. Flooding has made several of our main roads impassable. We are stuck safe on top of our little mountain and most of the animals are dry.
7 weeks is old enuf to be outside no matter what the weather. Our mama hens take their babies outside at 3 days old rain or shine.
Will your neighbor take back the extra boys?
No they wouldn't take them back, they ended up with several too. We have a big fenced garden so those extra boys will spend some time in there. At least till I can figure out what to do with them.My husband is almost done with a nice coop for them so I'm hoping to get them outside today. Yea ! They need to move and scratch around like chicken do

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