calling any one from missouri

I'd check her ears as suggested.
Look again for lice or mites.

Is her crop emptying?

Does she happen to be molting - have a lot of pin feathers on her head/neck?

Work on hydration, then eating. You may be able to entice her with bits of scrambled egg or wet feed.

I'll have to check on the mites and crop. There are two (was three moved one out) other hens in there with her so I assume if it's mites they would also be infected.

She is not molting.

I've offered her water but she refused it, I'll try some scrambled egg.

I've looked for worms and found none, she has had diarrhea mixed with solid.

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Good morning Missourah
So Blondie was caught pulling feathers the other day from Nails and I moved her to the big yard with the two old RIR's and the two CQ's and she stayed under the canopy in her own little area for a few days. Last night I let her out and sat on my chair with a glass of wine and the water hose at my side ready to break up any fights. Not much happened...

A bit after sundown Blondie was going in and out of the coop so I was finally tired and ready to go inside so I escorted her inside and closed the outer door then put her on the roost.

This morning she kept coming up to me and looking at me like please put me back over there. Nope your here to stay now. A few times Sweet Pea (one of the older RIR's) put Blondie in her place and she didn't fight back so the pecking order was established pretty quick. I hope the feather pulling is a thing of the past now.

I can't wait to get them all in Coop Uno where they have a larger sun lit yard to enjoy!


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