calling any one from missouri

-8 here, feels like -27 with the wind. Waiting for my mom to come visit so I can take water out to the chickens since it’s gotten so cold, the warmer pads I have for the water tanks can’t keep the water from freezing. It’s a good thing I have Monday off. I think I’ll move the water into the coops for the rest of the winter so the poor birds don’t have to go outside. I may just lock them up anyways cuz I keep losing birds and I need some when I go to collect eggs for hatching in a couple weeks.
I have heated waterers that have done fine in below zero temps IMG_3439.jpeg IMG_2629.jpeg
I managed to move 1 inside the coop, hopefully it starts to thaw and the other I moved towards the coop, but I couldn’t get it inside cuz the cord was covered in a sheet of ice. I’ll try to mess with it more tomorrow since I have the day off and daycare is opened.
We got some snow yesterday and possibly last night. Burned a lot of wood yesterday keeping the shops and garage warm. I have and oil filled heater under the table right in front of me down in the beer cave where I work on my computer and it's on high! Even with central air the basement is always pretty cool.

It's 4°F outside ATM.

I started cleaning out Coop Deux yesterday...

-2 here. There was less than 1” powdery snow yesterday. The older flock will not come out if there’s any snow. The 4 bantam EEs don’t seem to mind it and walked all around in it. But I swept the runs a bit with a push broom so there was bare dirt, then brought in wood shavings and spread that around….because the snow isn’t going to melt today. Or tomorrow.
We got about 3" of power snow and the only one that would even come out of the coop was Blondie... well until I put some food in the dog bowls then the old gals came flying out of the coop. I'm just keeping the door to the run closed as I know no one will come out until they get used to the sight of snow... and it ain't going to melt away for a while.

It's 5°F here and they are calling for more snow... and I didn't fully close the door to the garage and it was 34°F in there this morning!


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