calling any one from missouri

Here we are back to a Bi-Polar Mother nature! Rain today... 60's by Friday and 30's Saturday... UGH! There's no wonder everyone I know is hacking and sneezing. Our bodies don't know what to do!
Yep You got that right chickenlittle its 70 its 10 its 40 and that is just one week

Our bodies cant keep up with the change! Just drinkin my Kefir and Kombucha and makin Onion/Garlic soup to try and stay healthy! Thats about all we can do

Welcome MI transplant...I am about an hour east of Springfield
Today is cleaning day. Not the chicken house, but the garage. Need to make room for the chicks as they are beginning to stink up the house. They are fully feathered so I am going to quickly wean them off the heat lamp. Don't plan to put them outside until Spring though. Possibly could put them in the isolation pen (hanging inside the hen house) if needed.

Let the girls out yesterday and they would not come to bread. They had to go through snow so they refused. Lucky for them, I went to them instead. Yes, many of us spoil our chickens. I am looking forward to getting some fresh air, even if its only for a day.
Once again we are goin to ride the yee ole weather rolleer coaster again Missouri Tomorrow it will be a high of 61 and then again for new years!! Ohhhhh Goody I can hardly wait to see what 2011 will bring LOL

The good part about this crazy Missouri weather is that the snow has melted and my chickens were out most of the day yesterday. They are thankful that the snow melted. The part I don't care for is that I have to wear waders just to get to the chicken house.

Chicks were succeesfully moved to the garage. They are in a bigger cage so they have plenty of room to scratch and grow.
Everyone was out today in the runs enjoying the weather. It was nice to see the BB reds out of their house because they had not been out in a week or more!

I know how you feel Missy3b and it is only going to get worse if we get the rain that is predicted!
We do have crazy weather, but...wasn't today sweet? 65 degrees mid afternoon! Our yard is squishy-squushy and the chicken yard is a mess, but the hens loved ranging over every inch of it. Several times we wondered where they'd wandered to, but we'd find them scratching under the pine trees, or down by the pond, or up in the muddy garden. This day was good for my spirits and I know it must have been good for theirs as well. Happy Rollercoaster, folks! ~G

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