calling any one from missouri

Yep the thought of them being out ther and it being 0 or even single digits would drive me crazy if I didn't have a heat lamp for them! Even down in the teens is bad! I like you have the light there for them and if they get too cold then they can hop down and get under it if they want! At this temperature there is usually a little chicken crowd gathered under the light Which means that they do get cold and like to be warm (Yea the northerners can say all they want about they don't need any heat and they will be just fine but mine all have their combs and waddles and toes and feet intact! Yea I know what you mean about the dog and cat pampering My wifes dog has a sweater and she laughs about the heat lamp! They may be a little pampered but I still have plenty of eggs to eat year round!!

Well good morning! everyone is fine after a bitterly cold night! I will be going to the feed store today for BOSS. I think the girls will love it. I haven't had any frozen eggs and am very surprised. I am only getting an average of 4-6 a day but it has been very cold.
Yep the thought of them being out ther and it being 0 or even single digits would drive me crazy if I didn't have a heat lamp for them! Even down in the teens is bad! I like you have the light there for them and if they get too cold then they can hop down and get under it if they want! At this temperature there is usually a little chicken crowd gathered under the light Which means that they do get cold and like to be warm (Yea the northerners can say all they want about they don't need any heat and they will be just fine but mine all have their combs and waddles and toes and feet intact! Yea I know what you mean about the dog and cat pampering My wifes dog has a sweater and she laughs about the heat lamp! They may be a little pampered but I still have plenty of eggs to eat year round!!


I have a heat light pointed at my girls' roost. No point in them being frozen if they don't have to be!

Hey been in H'ville long?
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Yep the thought of them being out ther and it being 0 or even single digits would drive me crazy if I didn't have a heat lamp for them! Even down in the teens is bad! I like you have the light there for them and if they get too cold then they can hop down and get under it if they want! At this temperature there is usually a little chicken crowd gathered under the light Which means that they do get cold and like to be warm (Yea the northerners can say all they want about they don't need any heat and they will be just fine but mine all have their combs and waddles and toes and feet intact! Yea I know what you mean about the dog and cat pampering My wifes dog has a sweater and she laughs about the heat lamp! They may be a little pampered but I still have plenty of eggs to eat year round!!


I have a heat light pointed at my girls' roost. No point in them being frozen if they don't have to be!

Hey been in H'ville long?

Is all my life very long~~ Yea I have been here almost all my life except for the 6 years in the airforce but came right back here! So you know someone from here or lived here yourself

I have a heat light pointed at my girls' roost. No point in them being frozen if they don't have to be!

Hey been in H'ville long?

Is all my life very long~~ Yea I have been here almost all my life except for the 6 years in the airforce but came right back here! So you know someone from here or lived here yourself


Born and raised here.
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Need your help. My boys and I are looking for silkies. Looked on all the hatchery sites and they are not available til sometime in February. The birds must be 5-6 months old by the fair in July in order to show them. I have put an ad on Craigs list but no luck. If you know of anyone with Silkies to sell (blue, black, buff) please let me know. We just want a couple of birds. I will list our other wish list birds in case you know of people that have them. Thanks.

Qual Antwerp Belgians
Birchen Cochen Bantams
Bantam Polish

As you can see- we are in search of the less common birds.

Here is what we have now- RIR, white rocks, black stars, mottled houdan, BB Reds, Mille Fleur D'Uccle, Light Brahmas, White Crested Polish, and Aracaunas. Yep, it looks like a catalog in my hen house.
Well Missouri Someone turn the thermostat up Its cold outside! OK got that out of my system so I guess tomorrow the kids go back to school and Ernie Gets up to Drive the bus again! I was gettin really used to this life of luxury and enjoying sleeping in! But alas it is time and I guess all good things must come to an end LOL~~!! Harrisonville will be having school again!! So Missouri have a good day tomorrow and think about me out at 5 am gettin ready to haul the little childes to school while my chickens are still asleep!! LOL

I have outside stuff to do and I need to get my garden put in and tilled and and and and I don't have time for Snow and Cold weather!! OK OK I am thru ranting again! God I want warm weather~~!!!

Some of my girls are adjusting to the snow. Yesterday the only time they came out of the coop was to scratch through a clump of straw I put in their run. Today I left the door of the run open and by this afternoon a few of them had enough of being cooped up and came out through the snow. My boys have been pulling a sled through the yard with their four wheeler so they created a path for the girls by showing them a little bare grass. The funny thing is that my big tough rooster stayed in the coop even though his favorite girls were out playing in the snow.
None of my girls set foot outside. I did feed them a big bowl of oatmeal this morning and they chowed down in the comfort of their house. Bless them though they have not slowed down on eggs through all this cold.

Back to school tomorrow. Its been too cold to play much outside so we might as well be in school. I have cleaned all I want to clean too.

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